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When I woke up the next morning it was almost as if nothing had changed. In my half-asleep daze I hadn't put together everything yet. And then, all of a sudden, it felt like my heart was caving in. My mother was dead, Jace had betrayed us, and I wasn't sure if Izzy would ever forgive me.

Initially I thought that what I had done was forgiven. Izzy was so relieved to see that I was okay and that had cascaded the fact that I had forcibly put her to sleep so I could go and almost get myself killed.
But in our silence as we waited to see how extensive Sebastian's injuries were I could feel her emotions as if they radiated off of her. I had lost her trust. For parabatai trust was everything; it almost felt as if I had lost Izzy all together. I wasn't sure I was ever going to get her back.

It was to my great relief that Sebastian would be okay so to say. Brother Jeremiah said it'd take many days for him to recover physically but he warned me that he might never recover emotionally. Having Damian control his mind for so long had damaged it, to what extent the Silent Brother didn't know.

The Clave was finally doing something about Jonathan. The video of him was being broadcast to all Institutes across the world; we didn't know where he would show up next. Perhaps Jace had tried to help us a bit in the end by telling Izzy to back up the video. As we were not able to find the flash drive once I got back.

I didn't know what to trust about Jace. In the moment it felt like everything he had ever said was a lie but was that really the case? Had he given us clues along the way, like with the flash drive, but I had been too stupid to realize them?

In all honesty, I had no idea how Alec was coping. I rarely saw him; he always spent his time away from the Institute. Whatever problems Izzy and I were having they were nothing compared to Alec and Jace's. The day after Jace had gone with Jonathan I saw Alec pouring over a book in the library. I hadn't seen the entry he was reading but I could tell it was a book about breaking permanent runes.

The three of us, minus Sebastian who was still recovering, were questioned by the Inquisitor and Consul multiple times and and by the Mortal Sword. Sebastian's innocence would be proven once he could be questioned with the Sword to prove that he was indeed always being controlled.

Jonathan and Jace had been quiet for weeks. No one had heard so much as a peep from them, or even Camille. Simon had said it seemed as if she and her vampires just vanished.

Then, the massacre happened.

In the dead of night all the shadowhunters in half the Institutes around the globe were killed. Los Angeles, Vancouver, Beijing, Istanbul, London, Cairo, Tokyo, etc. All the institutes where the Ascended had been sent. And on the wall of the Institutes: We Ascend to serve Jonathan Wayland, savior of Nephilim kind. It was written in the victims' blood.

The Ascended disappeared without a trace, just as Jonathan had weeks before.  No one knew when or how Jonathan had gotten to the Ascended or how he corrupted them.

The same night a group of vampires went on a rampage in New York City. Camille had returned and the streets turned red with blood. We shadowhunters were too engrossed with our own problems that we didn't have time to deal with them.

The night when hundreds were murdered I received a chilling fire message:

Hoc est solum initium est
This is only the beginning,
little Morning Star


AUTHOR'S NOTE: And...that's it! Thank you all wonderful people who have been reading along with this wrong and commenting and voting; it really means a lot to me! It's been a long and wild ride and it's a bittersweet feeling that it's done. But that brings me to my next announcement, or two announcements: there WILL be a sequel. Want a tease? The title will be called She's Was My Parabatai. In should be up sometime in the coming month. The other announcement? I am writing another story, a shorter one, in this universe I've created. It's a bit of a secret so I won't say anymore.

Once again, thank you all for reading this story! I don't think I would have ever finished it if I didn't have dedicated readers like you! Till next time ~Jkalime

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