Chapter 19

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When I opened my eyes I found that I was in the infirmary. I knew because of the arched ceilings with magnificent murals before my eyes. I had been enthralled by them when Izzy had first shown me around.

"Clary!" A voice yelled and I grunted as the full force of my Parabatai landed on top of me.

"Can't breathe," I gasped. She released me and apologized. "What happened?" I asked. All I remembered was fighting the imp demons and then...

"Camille showed up as we left the building. She bit you. Clary, she took so much blood from you I thought you were dead," Izzy explained. I remembered now. Vampire fangs hurt.

I gripped Izzy's hand. "I wouldn't die that easily. I told you I'm not going to die and I intent to keep my word."

Izzy smiled. "Oh! But Simon! The plan worked. Camille admitted to be working with the killer. The vampires chased her away. Raphael and Simon are in charge now."

I had figured that by how mad Camille had seemed during our confrontation. I glanced around the infirmary to find that Izzy and I were the only ones. Had no one else really not gotten hurt during the missions?

"How long was I out?" I asked Izzy. She pursed her lips. "Izzy."

"Three days," she finally said. Did I hear her right? How had I been out for three whole days? "You lost a lot of blood," she seemed to read my mind. "Your shoulder wound was deep and had been bleeding the entire time. And Camille nearly took everything else that was left."

I sighed. Three whole days gone. I had a million questions to ask her, but I settled on just one: "How did the other missions go?"

"Good, fine," Izzy said. "A few injuries of course but no one died or anything."

I sensed that she was holding something back. "Izzy," I said.

"I'm not supposed to tell you until you're at full strength-"


"Sebastian's missing," she blurted out. What?

I stared at her. "What do you mean missing?"

"I mean exactly what I said. He returned from the mission fine and everything but the next morning he was no where to be found," Izzy explained. "He hasn't came back since and no one can find him."

I had been wondering why Sebastian wasn't at my bedside waiting for me to wake up. "That doesn't...that doesn't make any sense. He wouldn't just leave."

"I don't know, Clary," Izzy sighed. "When he returned from the mission...he wasn't himself. I-I thought it was because you were out cold and he was worried but now I don't know."

Whatever Izzy said I knew my brother. He wouldn't just up and leave for no reason.

"That's not it." By the Angel there was more? "The car, you didn't cause it to blow up." Well, that was a relief. "There was evidence of a bomb in the wreckage."

"A bomb? But who would-" Izzy's look caused me to stop talking. "No, Izzy, no."

"We've discussed this-"

"We've discussed pretending that he was the killer! Not that he actually was or had anything to do with the killer!" I yelled. I wouldn't let anybody believe that Sebastian had anything to do with this. He wouldn't.

"Clary, my parents think-"

"You brought your parents into this? What happened to us not telling them? We were handling things fine on our own." I was mad. First Izzy suspects Sebastian of putting the bomb in the car and now she told her parents everything when we agreed not to?

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