Chapter 24

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Izzy was still shouting my name but I couldn't respond to her. I had no control.

My Parabatai grabbed my arm in an attempt to stop me. I wanted to shout at her to let go because I felt my other arm swinging around to punch her in the face. She released my arm and I kept walking.

I couldn't even look back at her to see if she was okay or not. I fought with every ounce of my strength to regain control of my body but it was futile.

"Jace!" I heard Izzy's voice say. She must've been on the phone. "Something's wrong with, Clary, I don't know what to do!" I could tell how scared she was but I could do nothing.

For a few minutes, I kept walking hearing footsteps behind me, knowing it was Izzy. Suddenly there were louder, harder footsteps that slowed down. Jace appeared in front of me.

"Jace..." I heard Izzy's voice warn.

"Clary, snap out of it," the blond said. "At least stop walking. Clary-" he suddenly groaned as I kneed him where it hurts. I kept walking past him.

"Clary!" Izzy shouted again. Once again, I was forced to ignore her.

Someone suddenly grabbed my arms, pinning them behind my back and holding me there. Jace. "Come on Clary, stop this! I don't want to hurt you."

"Help!" I suddenly screamed at the top of my lungs. We were passing a park. There were dozens of people. "Someone help me! He's going to hurt me!"

Jace suddenly released me. We hadn't glamoured before we left and I guess in his hurry Jace hadn't either. "By the Angel, Clary stop it-"

That's all I heard because I broke out into a run. I didn't know where my body was taking me. I didn't recognize this part of New York.

I ran down an alley and then ran into an invisible wall, then I fell to the ground. It was wonderful that I could still feel pain.

I got to my feet and then I couldn't move. I felt my body wanting to move, to keep going in the direction we had been heading in but I couldn't.

"Is that going to hold her?" A voice asked. My head flashed to my right where Alec and Magnus stood.

"Alexander, I'm shocked that you doubt my magic," Magnus said with fake hurt.

"Magnus Bane," I heard myself say. "You will regret this. In the coming days-"

Magnus waves his hand towards me "...and sleep." Everything turned black.


I woke up, my head throbbing. As I sat up I went to brush some hair from my face to find my hand handcuffed to the the leg of a sofa. I pulled at it frantically before looking around at where I was.

I was in Magnus's loft, in his living room. I heard talking coming from the kitchen. I pulled at the handcuff again, it didn't budge.

There was a ''meow" and suddenly the warlock's cat was in front of me. "Chairman Meow," I said using my other hand to reach out to pet him.

"Clary?" Izzy's voice wondered. I looked towards the doorway to see my Parabatai making her way towards me. The others followed behind her.

"Izzy, what's going on, why am I handcuffed to Magnus's sofa?" I was going to kill Jace if he made a dirty joke but for once he was silent.

"You don't remember what happened?"

"What happened...?" I questioned and then it all came back to me. My body moving on its own, punching Izzy and kneeing Jace. Magnus and Alec intersecting me as I blacked out. "I-I..I couldn't stop- that wasn't me-" Magnus flashed his hand and suddenly he handcuff was gone.

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