Chapter 27

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Clary's POV

"What?" I heard Izzy question. "Clary, calm down, tell us what's going on."

But I couldn't. My mind just kept going back to the fact that Sebastian must be dead. Jonathan said a star would go out and my mother was here meaning Sebastian was the only viable option. He was dead, he had to be. Jonathan's words hadn't sounded like a threat, they had sounded like a promise.

Izzy sat with me until I stopped crying while my mother stood there, partially terrified that her son could be dead.

Sometime during my outburst Jace and Alec had stepped into the room, Maryse coming in behind them. Looking between the Institute head and my mother I formulated a lie. "A nightmare," I said. My mother relaxed. "I'm sorry- it was so real," I lied.

"Clary, what happened? Do you remember?" Maryse asked.

Again I made up a lie. "I-I don't remember. I remember sitting on the bench and the mundane being there but that's all...I'm sorry."

Maryse sighed. "It's all right. As long as you're okay. Jocelyn?" She called to her friend as she left. My mother smiled at me before leaving the room. Jace closed the door behind her.

"What really happened? I don't believe you don't remember," Jace said.

"I lied. Jonathan is our problem and we'll deal with him ourselves," I told the three of them.

"Was Jonathan there? Did he show up after Jace got knocked out?" Izzy questioned.

I shook my head. "No, the mundane was Jonathan."

"Jonathan is a shadowhunter, not a mundane," Alec pointed out. "Are you sure your coma didn't screw wth your head?"

"Thank you, Alec, I know he's a shadowhunt- wait coma?" I stopped myself and looked at Izzy. "How long was I out?"

She sighed. "Two weeks. You've been lying unconscious in that bed for two whole weeks. Nothing would wake you up." I couldn't believe hadn't felt like more than a few hours for me.

"We'll come back to that later," I told Izzy. "Jonathan was disguised as the mundane," I explained. "Before he stabbed me he spoke my name. It was his voice, I know that now. After he stabbed me I saw him."

"So when we ran into him at Javier's apartment..." Izzy trailed off.

"He knew exactly who we were but we had no idea that it was him," I concluded for her.

"He's been hiding in plain sight this entire time," Alec said. "We don't pay much attention to mundanes, he's probably been following us everywhere that we go. And we were none the wiser. Except Sebastian that is."

"I still can't believe that prat had us fooled this whole time," Jace sighed. "Even me, the great Jace Herondale. I'm going to get him back for that. Maybe I'll-"

"Jace!" Izzy suddenly shouted. He gave her a questioning look until he looked at me. My face said it all.

"Clary, what's wrong?" He asked. Of course, he hadn't been here when I said Sebastian was dead. He had only seen me crying afterwards.

"You're not going be able to get back at Sebastian for anything," I told him. "Because he's dead."

"Don't get me wrong, I know nightmares can seem real Clary, but this is real life- whatever you dreamt about Sebastian dying, it's not real," Jace told me.

"I didn't dream about Sebastian dying!" I shouted. "By the Angel I wish I had rather than this! When Jonathan stabbed me he told me when I woke up 'A star will have gone out.' My mom's fine. That means he got Sebastian. He's dead." The weight of my words hit me again and I felt like crying. But I didn't want to cry in front of Jace so I held back mostly.

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