Chapter 35 (The Actual One)

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Thalia was left in the care of Izzy, Alec and I as we left the Institute. Presumably it was so she could say goodbye to her loved ones and collect her belongings before being teleported to Idris. However that wasn't what we had in mind.

"So let me get this straight," Thalia started. "Shadowhunters hunt down and kill downworlders and demons. Yet we're going to need help from two downworlders today?"

"Not all Downworlders are bad," Alec told her. "We actually rely on many warlocks for portaling and the wards in Alicante."

"Ali what?"

"Alicante, the glass city. The Nephilim capitol in Idris," he explained. "That's where you'll be going to in order to become Ascended."

We arrived at Magnus's loft and Thalia stared as we got out of the car. "This isn't where I thought a warlock would live."

"He's the High Warlock of Brooklyn, not Harry Potter," Alec told her as he proceeded to knock on the door. As always Magnus seemed delighted to see Alec and less so for the rest of us.

As we entered Magnus handed a small vial to Izzy. "Get your vampire to drink that," he told her. "I'm done with him."

"All I'm saying is can't you magic it to smell better? It smells like pig's feet." Simon was lounging on Magnus's couch.

Magnus ignored Simon and pulled Alec to the other side of the room. Izzy had gone over to Simon leaving Thalia and I standing by the doorway.

I suddenly heard a 'meow' and looked down to see the cat brushing up against my legs. I knelt down. "Hey, Chairman Meow." The cat purred as I scratched him.

"He seems a lot friendlier than the cat back at the Institute." Thalia had knelt down to scratch Chairman Meow as well.

I let out a laugh. "You met Church then, don't feel bad. He hates everybody."

"He just kept staring at me but whenever I came near he'd hiss and run off," she explained.

"You probably remind him of someone," we heard Magnus say. "Another mundane with the Sight. Sophie Collins."

"Sophie Collins? Isn't she-" Izzy was cut off

"Now, now, we can save the Adventures of Church for another day, I think it's time for you all to leave. That potion will wear off when the sun reaches its highest point." I saw he now empty vial in Simon's hand.

As we left I noticed Magnus gripping Alec's arm and speaking to him quietly. He nodded before following us out the door.

"Oh my G-" Simon stopped talking suddenly. For a second I thought he was burning but he was just basking in the sun's rays. "I forgot what the sunlight felt like."

"Don't get used to it," Alec said. "Magnus isn't going to be able to make that concoction again."

"Yeah, yeah, the great ole warlock already gave me the spiel about the ingredients being rare and he wouldn't normally do this for a vampire but since it was you who asked and he-"

Alec cut Simon off by pushing him forward. "A certain vampire better get going if he doesn't want to burst into flames. We've only got three hours until noon."

Simon glared at Alec but then turned back to look at my Parabatai. "Be careful," he told her.

"I always am," she told him. "Don't get burned to a crisp. Sadly, I don't think even that could make you even hotter."

I saw Simon smirk before he darted off at vampire speed. Part 1 of the plan was in action.


Part 2 of the plan involved Thalia getting her belongings from her apartment. I didn't exactly know how Thalia, at sixteen, had her own apartment in NYC, but I didn't ask.

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