Chapter 8

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"Clary, we need to talk."

I looked to the door to see my mother standing there. "Mom?" I questioned. We hadn't really spoken a lot since we arrived at the Institute, I had been too busy.

She was silent as she closed my door and motioned for me to sit on my bed next to her.

"Mom, what's going on? You're freaking me out," I told her. She was acting weird and she had an odd expression on her face.

"I'm going back to Idris."

"Wait, what? Mom, we just got here and-"

"Honey, this place, Institute life, it isn't for me," she explained. "Besides. Someone has to take over your father's position until a replacement can be found."

I couldn't believe what she was saying. Were we to pack up and move again? "But Mom! You expect me to leave after-"

She cut me off again. "No, Clary. You and Sebastian are staying. I know it's important for you to be here with Izzy. And Sebastian is doing great work with the Ascended here. There's no need for the two of you to come with me."

She was leaving us here? Not that I didn't want to stay here with Izzy but I never thought my mom would go home without us.

Suddenly, I felt bad for Sebastian, he would want to go back with her. "Why don't you take Sebastian with you? Working at the institute was never his goal. He wanted to take Dad's job."

She sighed. "Sebastian is skilled, but he's young. Training the Ascended here is a lot different from in Idris. He needs time to grow up a little. I'm sure in a few years time whoever is in charge will be happy to welcome Sebastian on board, but for now his place is here."

Part of me was glad Sebastian was to stay here with me but the other part felt bad for him, still. I knew he would be mad about this.

"But, Mom," I started. "I'm going to miss you." I had never gone a day without seeing my mom. She had always been around for me.

"Oh, baby." She hugged me. "I'm going to miss you too, you and Sebastian both. But you can come visit anytime you like, or send a fire message."

I pulled back. "Thanks, Mom. It's just going to be weird without having you around."

"Believe me, it'll be even weirder for me."

Just then, Izzy barged into my room. "Clary! Are you ready to g-" she stopped realizing my mom was sitting there. "Oh, hi Jocelyn."

"Hello, Isabelle, were you two going somewhere? I don't want to keep you." My mom stood up off my bed.

"Mom it's-" I started.

"No, Clary, go have fun with Izzy, we can talk when you get back," my mom said as she started to walk from my room.

"Clary, hurry up and shower please. We have a schedule to keep," Izzy informed me and left the room before my mother did.

Mom paused at the doorway and turned back to me. "Clary?"


She looked like she was going to say something and then decided against it. "Have fun with Izzy," she repeated before leaving.

I shrugged as I got my clothes together and hopped in the shower.


Izzy was pulling me through dress shop after dress shop, trying to help me find something for tonight.

Every time I picked out a dress I kept hearing from her "not short enough....not enough cleavage...not

sexy enough" and sometimes she just shook her head and told me no.

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