Chapter 33

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"You two can't just kidnap someone because they have the Sight!" Maryse was exasperated. When we had arrived back at the Institute Izzy's parents were waiting. I had called ahead telling them we were bringing back someone with the Sight. Maryse wasn't too happy when she saw the unconscious Thalia in the back seat.

"There were vampires lurking around." I had to come up with a lie on the spot. There was no way I could tell them what Izzy and I suspected. "We were concerned for her safety and she wasn't coming quietly." At least that part was true.

Maryse sighed. "It's one thing after another with you kids." I wanted to tell her off, that we weren't kids, that we were dealing with more than she could imagine but I bit my tongue. No use getting us in any more trouble.

"Maryse," Robert finally spoke. He had been silent the entire time, sitting at the desk while his wife chewed us out. "Give them the benefit of the doubt. They thought they were doing a good thing. They could very well have saved that young girl's life."

There was suddenly a knock at the study door and Ashton entered. "Sorry, but the mundane is awake. And she's freaking out a little bit. Max is trying to calm her down."

Maryse looked at us. "We'll continue this discussion at a later date, don't think you're off the hook."

I didn't let myself relax before Ashton led both Izzy's parents from the room. "I actually didn't think about what would happen when we brought Thalia here. What are your parents going to say to her?"

"They're probably going to ask if she wants to become a shadowhunter. What else can they say? She's already seen the Institute and knows about us. And considering she has the Sight that makes her a perfect candidate to become Ascended." Izzy shrugged.

My parabatai's phone suddenly rang and she answered it. "What's up?" As she listened to what the person on the other line was saying, her eyes widened slightly. "Alec, no-Alec! You need to listen to me. Go back there right this instant and bring them back to the Institute. We have a theory and he could be in danger from Jonathan." She listened for a moment. "I'll explain everything when you get back, just go get him!" She hung up and looked at me.

"Let me guess, Alec found someone else with the Sight?"

Izzy nodded. "Other than the fact that the kid he found had the Sight he didn't think anything of it. I told him to go back and get him."

I took out the list of addresses from my pocket. "I don't think we have time to sit around and wait for it to be dark for Simon." There were so many addresses. "If Jonathan has them under surveillance then he'll know we took Thalia. It wouldn't surprise me if he made his move to snatch them all now."

"It's going to take too long for us to hit them all and I don't exactly think my mother is going to let us leave."

"Call Alec back. Maybe Magnus can do a spell or something to protect them until we get there," I told her.

Izzy nodded and dialed Alec's number on her phone. "Alec-" she cut herself off. Her hand tightened around her phone. "Shit." She looked at me. "Alec says they went back and the mundane was gone."

"Ask Magnus to do a locator spell for the rest. Alec has a copy of the list," I told her.

"Alec did you hear that? Yeah, we'll hold on for a second." She looked at me again. "Magnus is doing the spell." Her face suddenly fell. "Yeah, okay, I get it. Thanks. See you when you get home."

I already knew the spell hadn't worked. Jonathan had already gotten to them. I slammed my fist down. "That son of a bitch."

"What did I do?" Jace's voice caused me to jump. I hadn't even heard him near the room.

"Not you," I sighed. "Jonathan he...everyone on that list of addresses probably had the Sight. And he's gotten to all of them before we could." Jace was uncharacteristically silent. "Jace?"

"Just thinking," he replied. "Why would Jonathan take people with the Sight?"

"We think he's going to steal the Mortal Cup," I explained. "Create his own shadowhunters."

"That's ridiculous," he said. "You can't just steal the Mortal Cup."

"So he can murder my father, mind control Sebastian and I, but he can't steal the Cup?" I questioned. "He's planning something big, Jace. This could be it. Why else would he need mundanes?"

"Maybe he's going to feed them to his vampires." Jace shrugged. His head really wasn't in the game.

"Then why would he need mundanes with the Sight?" I asked him. "Easier to take homeless ones, no one would miss them."

"Clary," he said. "This is my gut feeling. He's not going to steal the cup."

I crossed my arms. "Well it's my gut feeling that he is."

"Okay you two, stop it," Izzy intervened. "Does it really matter what Jonathan wants the mundanes for? He's already taken them. And even if we knew for certain he wanted the Cup no one would listen to us about it."

"So we need to stop him. We need to stop whatever he's doing and get Sebastian back," I announced. "I think we were actually one step ahead of him today in finding Thalia."

"You got a plan then?" Jace asked.

"Yes, but no one's going to like it."

Author's Note: Er....I'm sorry? I seriously kept forgetting to update this! Anyway, thank you all for reading and still being dedicated! I know how frustrating it is when someone doesn't update so my apologies. I'll be updating this again this week to make it up to you! Thanks again for reading and don't forget to comment! 

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