Chapter 36

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"You should I have me come with you," Jace said to me.

"So you could get thrown around helplessly by Jonathan as well? We were powerless against him." I pulled my knees tighter to my chest. My clothes smelled like blood still, mostly Izzy's. I hadn't changed yet, I hadn't wanted to leave her alone. Even when the silent brother tried to force me out I stayed, holding my parabatai's hand while he did his work; trying to give her whatever strength I could.

I was glad the Lightwoods had bought our car accident story. We had been in an accident but we had just decided to omit the fact Jonathan was there and there us around like rag dolls.

"You don't know that, maybe-" he suddenly cursed.

"By the angel, Jace just let me do it. Runes hurt enough without you messing up," Alec complained. He was lying down on the bed next to Izzy, letting Jace apply healing wounds to the scrapes on his back.

"I'm almost done," the blond said. Alec sighed and I turned my attention away from them back to Izzy. She was sleeping now. The silent brother said it had been close but she'd be okay.

"I am here to transport the mundane girl to Idris," a voice said from the doorway.

I saw Alec scramble quickly into a sitting position causing Jace to accidentally draw a line down his side with his stele. "Alec!"

"M-Magnus," Alec stuttered. He was here to take Thalia to Idris. The mundane had awoken moments after we arrived at the Institute and due to the fact she had no serious injuries Maryse decided it was best she be on her way to Idris.

"Oh, is this not the entryway? I don't know how I messed that up." The warlock looked directly at Alec. "Glad to see your alive, Alexander."

He started walking away causing Alec to sprint from his bed and follow him. "Magnus, wait!" Jace and I were left alone sake for my sleeping Parabatai.

"Someone forgot to text their boyfriend that the empowered shadowhunter didn't kill him," Jace concluded. I was silent causing him to look at me. "You should go get changed, get some rest. I'll let you know if she wakes up."

"I doubt Izzy left my side when I was hurt, I'm not leaving her's," I told Jace.

He sighed. "You two are so stubborn." He stood up and left the room.

I looked down at Izzy's sleeping face. There was nothing more that I wanted than for her to wake up but perhaps this was a blessing in disguise. She wouldn't be able to stop me if I went to Jonathan.

Before I could make up my mind Jace returned and plopped a pile of something down on the table next to me. I realized it was a pile of clothes.

"Did you go through my drawers?" Was there first thing that came to mind. I sure as hell didn't want Jace Herondale seeing my intimates.

"I know you'd probably love it if I was a panty raider, no," Jace said. "Maryse just did laundry. The clothes were on your bed."

"Thank you," I said to him as he exits the room. Jace nodded in response and closed the door behind him.

I used a wet wrag to clean myself up before changing into the clean clothes. I threw my bloodied clothes in the trash before opening the door for Jace again.

"There you go, now you don't look like you've been a car accident and a battle with a psycho," Jace said.

I smiled slightly at his attempt the lighten the mood as I went to sit back next to Izzy.

"Clary," Jace said, his voice serious. "You seriously can't be considering going to Jonathan?" So Alec had told him. I admit I wasn't so sure if Alec was just going to keep that a secret.

"I'll do anything to get Sebastian back," I told Jace. "If he wanted to kill me he'd have done it already."

"Clary, that's crazy, Jonathan's a psychopath! You can't trust him." I knew this was exactly how Jace was going to react.

"I'm not going to trust him! But if I go to him with Heosphoros, he just just let Sebastian go. He's not going to kill me, maybe I can find out what his plans are and-"

Jace was suddenly standing before me. "You can't trust him, Clary. I'm not going to let you go and get yourself killed."

"You don't have any say in the matter," I informed him. The only person would could stop me was lying unconscious.

"And how would Izzy feel if she woke up to find that you traded yourself away? You're going to let your Parabatai suffer like that?"

Jace was right, Izzy would be a mess if she woke up and found out I had gone with Jonathan. But I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he killed Sebastian and I could have prevented it. I was at a crossroads and I didn't know what I was going to do.

"If Jonathan had Izzy or Alec or Max you wouldn't trade yourself in a second for them?" I saw the truth flash in his golden eyes. I knew that he would.

"That's not the point Clary-"

"Whatever decision I make will be my own, Jace. You have no say in the matter."

"Clary, why can't you understand that I ca-"

At that moment the infirmary bed creaked as Izzy shifted and she opened her eyes.

"Isabelle!" I exclaimed, relief flooding through me.

She gripped my hand. "You're not trading yourself for Sebastian," was the first thing she said. "Jace may not be able to stop you but I can." She must've heard us arguing when she was coming to.

"Okay, fine," I said. In all honesty I still didn't know what I was going to do but for now I was happy that Izzy was awake.

Author's Note: Hey all! Thanks for reading! As I've been saying for chapters the story is winding down but I'm not gonna tell you when the last chapter is. I want it to be a surprise XD (This obviously isn't the last one). There's almost 11k on this story and that's so amazing, thank you! Don't forget to comment and vote, thanks! 

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