Chapter 2

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"Clary! Wake up! I made breakfast!" I groaned as someone ripped the blanket off of me. I shivered for warmth. Then I was hit with a pillow. "Clary!"

"What..." I croaked out opening my eyes. It was Izzy.

"Get up! I made breakfast!" She repeated.

"No Izzy, why." Being her parabatai I had been on the receiving end of far too many of Isabelle Lightwood's cooking disasters.

I was hit with the pillow again. "Shut up! It's just cereal, I don't think even I could ruin that." I wanted to argue that she could find a way but I didn't want to get hit with the pillow for a third time. "I left some training gear on the dresser. It's been far too long since we've trained together, parabatai." With that Izzy left me to get dressed.

I groaned as I rolled out of bed and inspected the training gear. It looked pretty much the same as what I had worn before in Idris, except newer. I dressed, put my hair up, and somehow managed to find my way to the kitchen.

The kitchen was empty except for my parabatai, Sebastian and Izzy's little brother, Max. "Morning," I yawned. I had met Max many times before but he always seemed to like Sebastian more than me. Maybe he thought I was stealing his sister or something.

Izzy handed me a bowl of milk and a box of cereal. After a quick hello the boys ignored me. Sebastian was showing Max some book he brought from Idris with him. "Izzy. The cereal goes in first, not the milk," I told her.

"It's all the same in the end." Izzy shrugged. I shook my head as I poured the cereal in and then quickly caught a spoon Izzy threw in my direction. Mad parabatai skills right there.

My parabatai sat down next to me with her own bowl of cereal. "So we're training today?" I questioned. It had been a while since I trained.

Izzy nodded. "Yeah, I thought it'd be a good way for you to get into the swing of things here, at the Institute." I nodded. It sounded like a pretty good idea.

"Max you have rune lessons with your father, don't forget," a voice said, entering the kitchen. I looked up from my cereal to see Maryse entering with my mother in tow.

"But Mom! Sebastian is showing me his book!" Max complained.

"Don't complain Max," Maryse told him.

Max didn't look happy and was about to open his mouth when Sebastian spoke. "Here, Max. Take the book, you can look at it later."

The nine year old's eyes lit up. "Thanks Sebastian!" He exclaimed clutching the book before running off.

"Sebastian, are you ready?" Maryse questioned. I had almost forgotten that he was supposed to train the Ascended today. My brother nodded and followed the head of the institute out of the room.

My mom kissed me on the head. "Morning, Clary, Izzy. Maryse told me you guys had some fun in the field last night." She sat down with a cup of coffee. I don't really know what part was exactly fun about last night. Well, Sebastian punching Jace had been the highlight at least.

Thinking of that moment I smiled. "Yeah, it was fun. A nice change from Idris."

My mother nodded. "What are you girls up to today?"

"We're gonna train," I told my mother.

"Really? Well, be careful. Both of you." Just leave it to my mother to be worried about my in the safety of the institute.

"We will be," I promised her. "Come on Izzy; I want to get training."

"That's the Clary I know and love," Izzy said as we put our empty bowls in the sink.

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