Chapter 3

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I screamed as I entered my room. Izzy rushed from her room. "Clary?!" She then stopped, realized what was going on and started laughing.

"My stuff!" I yelled running over to a stack of boxes. Half a dozen boxes and a couple suitcases were scattered around my room. It seemed someone had located our missing belongings.

I opened one box to find it full of pencils, crayons, watercolors, sketching paper: art supplies. I smiled.

"I love seeing you happy, Clary, but we really have to get going. It's best not to keep the High Warlock of Brooklyn waiting," my parabatai reminded me.

"I know," I said opening another box. "There! I was looking for my clothes. I'm sorry, Izzy, I love you but I want to put my own clothes on."

Izzy smiled, happy to see I was in such a good mood. "Well just try to hurry up." She left my room, closing the door behind her so I could get dressed.

I pulled out my favorite black leather jacket from the box. It smelled like home. I smiled and quickly got dressed and then knelt down next to one of the suitcases. Unzipping it I smiled again at what was inside: weapons of all kinds. Tucked inside a dark scabbard was my beloved blade: Heosphoros.

I attached the scabbard to my belt. It didn't matter to me that we were only going to talk to a warlock; I wasn't going to let this blade out of my sight again. It was the single most important item my father had ever give to me.

I opened the door and considered asking Sebastian to come with us but I stopped myself. No, he was busy training the Ascended. I didn't want to bother him.

"You ready?" Izzy questioned stepping out of her room. Her training gear was gone; she now wore a black dress and high-heeled boots, not like she needed to be any taller then she already was, but she loved them.

I nodded to her and we made our way down to the entryway. Jace and Alec were already waiting. "Took you long enough," Jace remarked. I didn't expect anything less from him.

"Not now, Jace," Alec sighed. I guess it was even possible for his parabatai to get tired of Herondale. "We need to get going; Magnus sounded impatient on the phone."


We arrived Magnus's loft and Alec knocked on the door. Half an instant later the door swung open revealing Magnus standing there.

"Ah, Alexander." The warlock smiled. "And you three," he said with a wave of his hand before ushering us inside.

"How did you know my name?" Alec questioned. I had been wondering the same thing. We hadn't exactly introduced ourselves the last time we were here.

"I am the High Warlock of Brooklyn, I have my ways," Magnus answered. "Alexander, I require your assistance." He grinned at Alec before turning to the rest of us, wearing a less interested face. "Simon, the vampire from last night, wants to speak with the rest of you. He's in the alley." The vampire wanted to see us? Again? We had just seen him last night.

"If you think I'm leaving Alec here alone with you, Warlock, you've got another thing coming," Jace argued. For once, I agreed with the blond. If it were Izzy in this position I wouldn't be so keen to leave her either.

Magnus sighed. "What is with you Herondales and being so overprotective of your parabatai?"

"You've known-" Jace never got to finish his sentence and Magnus cut him off.

"I swear on the angel that Alexander here will not be harmed. Feel free to hunt me down and kill me if I break my word," the warlock stated.

Jace still looked unsure. "Jace, it's fine," Alec told him. "Really, just go. Don't keep the vampire waiting."

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