Chapter 9

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Author's Note: A note before the story?! What is this? But seriously...Hope you're enjoying the story so far! There's so much more to tell so be sure to stick around! Don't forget to comment, I love hearing your thoughts! This chapter introduces a new character...I hope you enjoy him! Happy Reading! 

My feet were already killing me and we hadn't even gotten to the party yet. Izzy had insisted that I wear these stupid heels. Thanks to knowing her my entire life, I could wear and even fight in heels. But this particular pair was new and I hadn't given the blood sacrifice to them yet.

We were still following Simon on the way to the party. Had I known it was this far I would have told Izzy that we should drive.

"So what did your mom want this morning?" Izzy suddenly questioned. It dawned on me that I hadn't told her yet. Between dress shopping and getting ready for tonight there hadn't really been time.

I sighed. "She's going back home, to Alicante."

"What? Why? You all just got here."

"She doesn't feel at home here. And she said someone had to take over training the Ascended in Idris now that Dad is gone," I explained.

"So I'm guessing that Sebastian is staying too then?"

I nodded. "Mom thought it would be best for him to wait until he's older to take over in Idris. She wants him to train here with your mom still."

"You know I don't see my mother much either," Simon intervened. "Last time I saw her she threw a Star of David at my head and kept calling me a monster." I had forgotten about the vamp hearing.

"Well you are a monster." I shrugged.

"Your words wound me, Clary," Simon said dramatically. "But stop all talk about Idris or Alicante or anything shadowhunter. We're here."

We were standing in front of a very high end hotel. Simon strode through the front door like he owned the place and Izzy and I followed.

We entered an elevator and Simon punched the button for the penthouse suite.

"This isn't the Hotel Dumort," Izzy realized. She had told me that was their base of operations.

"The Hotel Dumort? You think I'd bring the likes of you there? No." Simon seemed amused.

The elevator dinged open and the first thing I heard was the roar of dance music. Dozens of people were in the penthouse dancing, standing around enjoying drinks. Some vampires were even indulging in mundanes.

"You'll want to talk to Javier," Simon told us. "He was friends with the vampire who was killed. He likes redheads, he should tell you everything you want to know." With that he disappeared into the crowd.

"But who even is Javier? There's like a hundred people here," I sighed.

"We'll ask around, come on," Izzy told me and dragged me into the penthouse. She grabbed two glasses of champagne off a server and handed one to me. "Blend in."

Izzy took a sip of her glass while I stared at mine. I had had alcohol before, the occasional cup of wine, but I didn't like it much.

I suddenly felt fingers brushing the hair off my shoulder and I whipped around with shadowhunter speed. I wanted to grab my dagger and hold it to their throat but I resisted, clutching the glass of champagne tighter.

"Fast reflexes," the vampire said and I thought our cover was blown. "A nice quality." He twirled my red hair in his fingers. I resisted punching him in the face. "Name's Javier, what's your name, lovely?"

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