Chapter 17

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I had wanted to go right to Camille and put the plan in action but Izzy reminded me of one fact: my mother was leaving today. I'd at least be proper and see her off. Even though I was still mad at her for lying to me, it didn't change the fact that she is my mother.

Simon said he wasn't putting the plan into action until sunset anyway. That's when the most vampires would be at Hotel Dumort to hear Camille's betrayal.

Izzy and I collected Sebastian from the crime scene; he had found nothing new. We decided to leave Alec and Jace at Magnus's loft. Magnus probably wouldn't let Alec go and I didn't want to deal with Jace but Izzy sent them a text letting them know what was going on.

Imagine my surprise when the three of us returned to the institute to see Magnus and the pair of Parabatai there as well. I had forgotten that Magnus had to create the portal back to Idris for my mother.

I couldn't help but laughing when I noticed scratch marks on Jace's arms and neck, no doubt from Church.

"Yeah, laugh it up." Jace didn't seem to be very happy about it. "That cat's psychotic."

"Church just doesn't like you," Magnus said. "You should have let me put him in the cat carrier."

"Church doesn't like anybody, Magnus," Izzy spoke up. "I'm surprised he didn't kill your cat."

"Oh on the contrary," the warlock said. "Church adores me. I'm the one who brought him to New York after all."

"Wait what?" Izzy asked.

"A story for another day, my dear," Magnus said and my mother strode into the room. She was carrying two suitcases. That's all she had brought with her from Idris. I wondered if she had been thinking about leaving the entire time.

I reluctantly made my way over to her and gave her a hug. "I love you, Clary," she said quietly. I pulled away but didn't say anything. She hugged Sebastian in the same awkward manner.

"Are you ready?" Magnus asked Jocelyn. My mother nodded and he conjured up a portal. She looked back at Sebastian and me before stepping through. In an instant she was gone. The portal closed thereafter leaving the group of us standing there.

"Hey!" A voice yelled coming into the room. "You're Magic Cane or something right?" I looked over and noticed it was one of the Ascended. I think his name was Jake.

"Magnus Bane," the warlock corrected.

"Yeah, whatever," Jake said. "If I paid you could you do a spell or something?"

Sebastian hit him on the back of the head. "Knock it off! You can't just ask the High Warlock of Brooklyn to do a spell for you."

"It's refreshing to know that you are aware of my title," Magnus noted. "But no, I will not do a spell for you. I can't have you shadowhunters monopolizing my service." He turned to look at the rest of us. "That goes for you too. It's not fair to the downworlders. Some of them already get in my hair about working with you at all." He looked at Alec. "Alexander, I am sorry."

"Magnus! Wait!" Alec followed after the warlock as he left the institute.

"Thanks a lot, Jake," Sebastian sighed.

"What did I do?"

My brother sighed. "Forget it. Come on, you were supposed to be in training like ten minutes ago. I wonder what Maryse is going to say..."

The two boys' voices trailed off as they walked down the corridor. Leaving Jace, Izzy and I.

"So when do we leave for the confrontation tonight?" Jace questioned.

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