Chapter 20

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"We're keeping all this to ourselves," Alec warned me as the four of us entered the car. No, I wasn't driving. I don't think I would ever drive again.

I nodded. If Robert and Maryse wanted to convict Sebastian they could. They wouldn't listen to anything we had to say anyway.

"Magnus has been doing a lot of locater spells trying to find Sebastian," the older boy said. I began to wonder why Magnus was doing so many favors for us. He had said he was done helping Shadowhunters. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that Alec- "Until now they've all been futile and worthless. But this time Magnus got a location: a warehouse by Hodge's apartment."

Izzy was flying down the street. We were lucky it was night and no one else was on the road. I watched as the automatic lights turned green just before we reached them.

I snuck a glance at Jace, just visible under the passing street lights. What was I doing with him? Kissing him while my brother was missing? Thinking-

I quickly turned away as his eyes locked onto mine. I think I was blushing and I hoped it was unnoticeable in the darkness.

Izzy suddenly pulled to a stop outside a building. We had arrived.

Piling out of the car I realized none of us had thought to put gear on. Magnus had called Alec with the news and in an effort not to lose Sebastian we ran out of the Institute with the clothes on our backs. We didn't know what we were walking into. Gear could have been useful. I was glad that I never left anywhere without faithful Heosphoros.

We scouted the area quickly and found a back entrance in the alley. Quietly slipping inside I was glad we had at least runed up. The night vision rune was helpful at the moment.

Soundlessly, the four of us made our way further and further into the warehouse. Crates and shelves filled the empty space. I didn't care to read what was written on the boxes.

The lights suddenly turned on. They were so bright it momentarily blinded me. I looked to my three companions. No one was by a light switch. Then who had..?

"Well, well, well..." A voice boomed. I whirled around trying to tell where it was coming from. There was an echo in the warehouse so it sounded like it was coming from all places at once. "This is a nice surprise isn't it?" I could tell one thing: that wasn't Sebastian.

"Izzy..." I whispered.

"I don't know, I can't tell where," she replied.

Suddenly there was a crash, one of the shelves had fallen causing a domino effect. They all started falling towards us.

"Move!" Alec shouted. I rolled out of the way as a crate fell towards me. An instant later I was on my feet and colliding with Jace to push him out of the way of a shelf. I didn't owe him anymore.

The crashes ceased. My eyes flew towards Izzy. She was fine, a few yards away from me and Jace. I spotted Alec a few feet behind her.

"Quite impressive," the voice said. The shelves had fallen, there was nothing blocking our view now. I found a man standing in the center of the warehouse.

One look at him and I could tell he was a Shadowhunter. I knew it in my gut. It didn't hurt that he had runes covering his bare forearms and neck. He even looked angelic with his pale hair and striking blue eyes.

"Where's Sebastian?!" I yelled at him. I didn't care who he was I just wanted my brother back.

"Clary." He spoke my name with a wicked smile. "It shouldn't surprise me how fiercely loyal to your brother you are. But, alas, I didn't do anything to Sebastian."

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