Chapter 32

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"Izzy-" I pulled my parabatai out of the crowd as I returned to the room.

"Where have you've been? I've been looking for you," she said as I led her away from the room and into the empty kitchen. I glanced out the door, making sure the coast was clear, before handing her the paper. "What's this? Wait, isn't that the address Sebastian gave you? Clary, what's the rest of this list?"

"Max gave it to me," I told her. "He told me Sebastian gave him the list..." I hesitated. I wasn't sure how she would react when she knew Sebastian had hurt Max. Even though my brother was being controlled against his will...Max was her baby brother.

"When did Sebastian give him this? Just now?"

I sighed as I shook my head. "Awhile ago...the day he fell down the stairs. Max said that Sebastian gave it to him and then changed. H-he pushed Max down the stairs."

Izzy looked more horrified then angry. "So you mean to say that Max's fall wasn't an accident? Sebastian pushed him?"

"It wasn't him Izzy, it was Damian," I told her. I couldn't have her hating my brother. We still had to save him.

"I know." She leaned against the counter. "I'm just...I'm going to imagine Sebastian not Damian when I think about this." She waved her hand at me. "Go on, you look like you want to say something else."

"Max said Sebastian told him to give this to me. I guess he forgot with everything going on but if these addresses are what I think they are then we have a real chance of finding Sebastian," I said.

"You're thinking the addresses have to be Jonathan's hideouts?" My parabatai asked and I nodded in reply. "Then we should check them out. I can give the list to Simon. It'd be easiest for his vampires."

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed. Izzy nodded and wandered off to call Simon leaving me alone in the kitchen.

I was going to return to the farewell party when Jace hobbled into the kitchen.

"Oh! There you are, Clary," he said as he saw me. "Thought you were off with Ash doing the dirty or something."

"Jace, not now," I told him. "There's no time for you to be a jealous prat." Before he could argue I kept talking. "Long story short I have a list of addresses that Sebastian left and Izzy's calling Simon to have the vampires check them out."

"Where did the addresses come from?" Jace asked.

"That's the long story part-" I cut myself off as Izzy walked back into the room.

"Simon's going to have his vampires check the places out when it gets dark. I told him we'd tackle a couple during the daytime," Izzy told both of us. She wrote down an address on a slip of paper and handed it to Jace. "Find Alec, give him the address. Maybe he can go with Magnus or something."

Jace looked like he wanted to complain. I'm sure he'd had liked nothing more than to check out the place himself but in his current situation that was impossible.

"Jace don't go acting like the hero or anything," I told him before he opened his mouth. "It's just a reconnaissance mission. You can sit this one out." As much as I knew Maryse would kill us if we let Jace come along I had to admit I was a bit worried about him. I didn't want him getting hurt again. We needed him at top strength to fight the coming war.


After the Ascended bid their farewell the four of us snuck out of the Institute. Even though Maryse had lifted our restriction on leaving we still didn't want to run into her and explain where we were going.

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