Chapter 34

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As I expected there was resistance to my plan. It was risky at best but it was our only option. We no longer had any more chances to one up Jonathon. This was going to be our final strike at him, and hopefully we would win.

Izzy and I found Thalia in the library. She had since been released from the infirmary. Jace was busy explaining the plan to Alec. This entire thing revolved around Thalia. If she didn't agree to it, I didn't know what we were going to do.

I knocked softly on the arch of the doorway to alert Thalia to our presence. She looked at the two of us. "I want to start out by saying I'm sorry-"

"You literally kidnaped me," Thalia cut me off. "Knocked me out, threw me in a car and drove me halfway across the city to your secret society headquarters. Sorry is all you got?"

I opened my mouth to speak again but Izzy glanced my way. "You were in real danger, Thalia. We went about it the best way we could."

"Vampires? Don't make me laugh," she said. "I've always known that things lurk in the night, things that most people can't see. I've even thought that I was crazy for it. But I know the feeling when one of those things is around and I didn't feel that today."

"That was a necessary lie we had to tell my parents," Izzy explained and motioned for me to close the door. "What I'm about to tell you needs to be kept between us, Thalia. I know we've given you no reason to trust us but you need to understand."

I looked from Thalia to my parabatai. We had gone over this and I banking on the hope that we could trust the mundane.

"I'm presuming my parents explained to you the basics of Nephlim, shadowhunters? What we do? What the Sight exactly is?" Thalia nodded. "You were in danger from a shadowhunter named Jonathan Wayland. He murdered Clary's father, kidnapped Clary's brother, has tried to kill us all multiple times, among other things. He's a force to be reckoned with and nobody knows his next move. No one even knows he's alive, that's what makes him so dangerous. The only thing we know for certain now is that he was hunting down mundanes with the Sight like you. And after we brought you here his forces moved and took the rest of the mundanes."

"The guy who had the same tattoos as you," Thalia said. "Was that Jonathan?" Izzy nodded. "Then why did he leave me alone for so long? That was months ago."

"We don't know," Izzy said. "We don't know anything really. The only thing we do know is that by taking you here we got ahead of him. We scared him into thinking we were catching on. Whatever he's doing, I think we moved the timeline up."

"What do you want me to do? You wouldn't be telling me all this if you didn't want something from me."

I glanced at Izzy. I knew Thalia wasn't going to like this. "I presume my parents asked you if you wanted to Ascend, if you wanted to become one of us. What did you say?"

"I said I had to think about it. Then they gave me this book-" I realized there was a copy of the Codex on the table. "- and told me to see if this was something that I wanted."

"Is this something that you want?"

"Yes." I let out a sigh. That was part one of the plan. Part two involved Thalia agreeing to something that could put her life in danger.


"I don't like this plan." I looked up towards the doorway as Jace entered. He was getting stealthier with his crutches. Too bad he wouldn't need them after today.

I set the seraph blade I was cleaning down on my bed. "I don't like it either and it was all my idea," I told him. "But we have to do this. It's the only way."

"I'm coming," Jace announced.

"You can't," I told him. "You may not have to use those crutches tomorrow but you've been specifically told not to do any shadowhunter work for another few days." I was holding back. There was another reason I didn't want Jace to come, one only I and one other knew.


"We'll be fine," I tried to tell him. "Jonathan may not even show up. And even if he does it'll be broad daylight. He can't bring his vampires."

"We don't know the true extent of his army, what if he has other downworlders? Other shadowhunters? You could be walking into a trap."

"What else are we supposed to do, Jace? Sit back and let Jonathan put his plan in motion? Let him kill innocents? Because his plan sure as hell isn't anything to help anyone."

"Clary, he wants to kill the Morgensterns. He wants to kill you. I can't just sit back and let you go off on this suicide mission!"

"He's had plenty of chances to kill me and hasn't yet," I told Jace. "And you can't do anything so suck it up. I'm not a precious porcelain doll that's going to break. I'm a shadowhunter, just like you. Don't act like I'm anything less."

"Clary please-"

"Jace, just go," I told him. "I need to get some sleep and you're not going to talk me out of this."

"Fine. Go get yourself murdered by Jonathan. I'll make sure your tombstone says 'Should have listened to Jace.'"

I let myself fall back onto my pillows as he hobbled down the hallway. I knew things could go horribly wrong tomorrow. But I had a plan. I had something I knew Jonathan wouldn't be able to resist. And if everything went to hell I'd use it to save Izzy and Alec at least.

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! Sorry these last couple of chapters have been so short! I actually didn't realize they were so short when I was writing them ^^; Please vote and don't forget to comment! 

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