Chapter 26

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I wasn't too sure where I was going as I trudged down the New York streets. I knew one thing: I sure as hell wasn't going back to the Institute right now. I did not want to see my mother. I knew she was here because of Sebastian but how could I tell her that her own son had her husband murdered?

I let myself believe that my friends weren't following me. I never once looked behind me and tried my best to block out my shadowhunter instincts. Couldn't they understand that I wanted to be left alone?

I found myself at a park, it actually happened to be the one where I screamed at the top of my lungs to keep Jace away when I was being controlled.

I sat down on a bench and let the time tick by. People gradually started to notice me and I realized that my glamour had run out. I wasn't in the mood to put it back up; let people stare at the girl dressed in black with a sword.

I was still furious at Jace, Izzy and Alec. The first two more than the latter because I know he had probably just tagged along.

Perhaps I deserved Izzy to follow after me, I had lied to her about the time of the meeting. There was a slight chance that Sebastian would have seen me with Izzy. But the fact that she went behind my back and told Jace...Sebastian would never trust me again.

I began to realize that I wasn't going to get my brother back. If he didn't trust me there was no way. I dreaded to think of what he and Jonathan could be planning next. Did they really want to kill all the Morgansterns? If Sebastian was trying to see if I was worthy of not being killed I had failed royally.

I felt someone sit down next to me on the bench. I ignored them, attempting to pretend that they weren't actually there.

"You know you really hurt Izzy," was the first thing Jace said. "She just wanted to help, to make sure you were okay. You can't blame your parabatai for that."

"Jace, please just go," I told him quietly. I was tired of all the fighting, the tears, the emotions of these past few weeks. I wanted some time alone to collect my thoughts, to figure out what I was going to do next.

Jace didn't leave but he also didn't speak which was a blessing in its own right. I was beginning to think this would be an otherwise uneventful morning...

"Hey!" A somewhat familiar voice shouted at the two of us. As I glanced up I realized that I recognized the mundane. "Where did Javier go?!" The mundane neighbor of Javier's, the one that I had hit in the face with his own knife.

"I'm saying this not because I care about your life, mundie, but because I don't want unnecessary blood on my hands," Jace started. "Get lost."

"No!" The mundane shouted. By the Angel he was annoying. "Not until you tell me where Javier went! The day after you ransacked his apartment it was cleaned out!"

I gave the boy a cold stare. "Listen here, we aren't the sort of people you want to mess with." I made it a point to emphasize my sword and the runes etched across my color bone and neck.

"I-I don't care if you're in a gang! Javier was my friend and I demand to know what happened to him!" This mundane had guts, I would admit that.

"We're apart of something far worse than any gang," I told him standing up. I withdrew a dagger from inside my jacket.

"Y-you wouldn't hurt me," he stuttered. "Not in public-

"There's no one around. People will only hear you scream and by the time anyone arrives we'll be long gone," I told him. No part of me actually intended to harm the mundane. I was a shadowhunter, it was our duty to protected them. I just needed to scare him.

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