Chapter 46

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Guess who wrote this...

Goldstar and EvilClan stormed out of the EvilClan camp, which now consisted of Leafspot, Fireclaw, Firestorm,  Wonderfulwhisker, and a bunch of rogues, because Goldstar had killed the rest in a fit of rage. 

"Hi! My name is Helium!" The grey tom twitched his whiskers. "And I can fly!!!!!" [AWESOME POWER, RIGHT?!]

"I'm Primrose!" A bright ginger-and white she cat bounced up and down.


{Uh...since when did we have rogues? Didn't Wind say he was the only one...?} Wonderfulwhisker trotted alongside Goldstar merrily, already planning ways to prank the newcomers.

Goldstar chuckled. "I bought them from, of course! That's how all evil villains get their minions. Also I advertised for roleplayers on my account. I have so many fans, it took like 4 seconds."

Fireclaw nodded sagely. "You are omnipotent, oh great and powerful Goldstar."

Goldstar laughed. "Well, now that that's settled...CHARGE EVILCLAN!"

The cats streamed toward SunClan camp, even though they were at least half a mile away.

Meanwhile, in SunClan...

"Guys, I'm back from the MoonStone!" HoneyStar yowled in happiness, and the Clan began chanting her name. |YAYAYAYAYAYAY|

Acornleap shrugged indifferently, watching as Honeystar--


\it's Honeystar, idiot/

--strutted self-importantly to the High Rock. He moved to congratulate her, before stopping and deciding that it didn't really matter. She'll probably die pretty soon anyway...though she'll be a better leader than Miss Cassandra. Turning away from the ridiculous celebration, Acornleap realized that the prey pile was running awfully low. He decided to go hunt, and hoped that the Clan wouldn't die in his absense.

/GUYS, WHAT THE ****. I'M STILL ALIVE.\ Hazelstar groaned from her spot at the bottom of the cliff. "Acornleap! Help!"

Arcornleap eyed her critically, noting her star-covered pelt and see-through form. "Uh, Hazelstar? I think you're dead..." Acornleap wondered briefly why Hazelstar was even still in the roleplay, before remembering that this was a roleplay, and nothing could ever be consistent. He sighed, before turning back to her once more. "Do you have a prophecy for me or something?" \Hazelstar, please just accept you're dead, ok? We've already had the ceremony.../

/Ugh, fine.\ Hazelstar jumped up and began floating. "Indeed, Acornleap! I come with a prophecy..." She paused dramatically, then said: 

"The paws of evil

The claws of fire

Are coming to kill 

What brings all life

From the slaughter, 

The only one who will live is--" 

She coughed and blinked various times. "Whoops, interference. Bai! Remember: The rogues are coming." She vanished in a poof of smoke.

\Hazelstar...that prophecy sucked -_-/ Acornleap pondered the prophecy for a moment, before immediately figuring out what it meant. He wondered if he should tell his Clan, before considering that a) it was Miss Cassandra in cat form who had delivered this prophecy and b) SunClan sucked anyway. Acornleap then decided to ditch SunClan and become a rogue and ate all of the prey he'd caught. \Bai suckers. At least I'll live!/

Back at camp...



All of the SunClan cats were throwing an enormous party, and were having a great time. MoonClan had joined, because SunClan had stolen their catmint, and also because their camp had been taken over by EvilClan.

"SUP Y'ALL THE NARRATOR DOESN'T ACTUALLY KNOW IF I WAS KILLED BUT AMETHYSTGLIMMER I LOVE YOU" screamed Silvertongue, ignoring the crumbling wall behind him. 

Amethystglimmer made a face and walked away. 

Everything was awesome.

However the peace was not to last. "CHARGE AGAIN!" screamed Goldstar, waving his lightsaber from Chapter 45 and charging into battle.

Fireclaw was at the front of the battle, killing all in his path with his fiery red claws. "DIE DIE DIE STABBITY STAB STAB"


Strictmoon then suddenly joined in killing the Sun/MoonClan cats. "Ick WHY ARE YOU OUT OF CHARACTER!" He inclined his head to Goldstar. "Besides your earlier infraction, you're 1000000000 times better than the rest of these plebeians."

Goldstar grinned. "Thanks bro."

Once the EvilClan cats + Strictmoon finished killing almost all the cats besides Honeystar, they glared at her menancingly. 

Honeystar trembled. "Don't kill me please!!!" |I just became leader...:(|

In the corner, Leafspot and Silvertongue were making out, because reasons.


Goldstar shrugged. "Whatevs," he mewed casually as he zapped Silvertongue with his laser eyes and did a Scourge on Honeystar. "Too bad for you," he mewed. "Well, yay, we won!"

But little did he know, there were apparently another 30 people who'd applied for applications to be rogues that he'd accidentally accepted.

Drama would ensue.

Woo yay this was written by an admin bai.

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