Chapter 13

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[Okay. Well now that I've taken over the deputy role, I'm going to fix this roleplay.] Darkshadow padded around the camp secretively.

(Doesn't Loststar have to appoint you for you to become deputy?) Sunclaw looked at Darkshadow with distaste.

[Yep, but too bad, deal with it.]


[I shall start by removing all inactive roleplayers.] "Quietheart, you're out," Darkshadow said.

"What, no!" Quietheart protested timidly. "I'm not inactive, I'm just quiet and nobody else cares about me :("

Darkshadow sighed. "Fine, you can stay."

Heavyleg limped back into camp, a massive cut on his side. "Please fix this!"

Moonmoon rushed over to Heavyleg. "Uh...I totally know what to give you for this!"

Heavyleg looked at the medicine cat doubtfully.

Moonmoon carefully crafted a mixture of yarrow and water hemlock. "There, eat that!"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME, MOONMOON?!" Darkshadow shrieked.

"Those are the correct herbs, right?" Moonmoon asked sheepishly.

Darkshadow glared at her, eyes glowing with fury. "WATER HEMLOCK IS THE MOST POISONOUS PLANT IN NORTH AMERICA, LIKE C'MON!"

(Cats don't know what North America is :D)

[THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT! You're the medicine cat, you should know this!]

(I'm sorry, the only plant I know of that's poisonous is deathberries :() 

[You have no idea how much I'm facepalming right now]

Moonmoon hurried off and grabbed some yew berries to give Heavyleg.


Moonmoon pouted. "But it's spelled completely differently."

"And so is your mom!" Sunclaw snarled.

[Wth Sunclaw, nice fail] Darkshadow rolled his eyes. 

(Nobody wants to hear your life story!) Sunclaw smirked triumphantly.

Moonmoon shrugged. "When in doubt, use catmint!"

[That's it, Moonmoon! You're out!]

(You can't do that! D: I'm important!)

[Well, I just did ;)]

(Please, give me one more chance! I'll learn herbs D:)

[...ugh, fine.]

"Aw," Cloudpaw said sadly. "I wanted to take over."

"No, I would take over!" Brightpaw said, rushing over to Heavyleg with a marigold poultice and cobwebs. "I'm the best cat medicine apprentice ever!"

{Hi, I'm new. Can I join this RP?}

[Sure, just give me your cat's name and description, and be sure you read the rules!] Darkshadow ignored the medicine cat apprentices.

{Um, Fireclaw, and he's a battle-scarred, huge flaming orange tom with yellow eyes.}

[...Are you just Firestorm on a different account?]

{Uh, who is Firestorm? :)}

[...he is a roleplayer who had the same description as your cat and never followed rules.]

{Haha, that's not me :DDD I LOVE rules!}

[Uh-huh. Whatever, just join. You better follow the rules.]

Fireclaw glared at Sunclaw, animosity in his eyes.

['re definitely Firestorm...]

{What are you talking about?} Fireclaw smiled and gave Sunclaw a nice big hug.


(Cats can't give hugs, loser.) Sunclaw ignored the ugly tom.


(Is that your best comeback?)

[Both of you, that's enough! Sunclaw, be nice!]

{HA! Yeah, be nice, Sunclaw!}

[...I have a feeling this is going to be a long day...]

A/N: It's Crazystar again! :) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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