Chapter 34

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This is legit based off an RP

Hazelstar pads around camp.

(Can I join?)

[Can I also join?]

Hazelstar looks at the sky and smells rain on the air. [Sure 👍🏽. Just start RPing]

Fallenwolf goes up to the leader with excitement. "H-hey. He mutters. "Can I go on a patrol?"

AdderTail screams I need a mate!

[Wow, your RPing is atrocious] Hazelstar flicked her tail. "Not now. It's going to rain. Go comfort Addertail... She's getting under my fur."

Fallenwolf nods "Yessir." and goes up to the needy she-cat.

"FallenWolf I'm expacting! She smiled. I luv you mate!'

Hazelstar cringes at this newbie's horrible... Uh... Everything, and goes on border patrol to meet her secret mate.

[Lol Hazelstar. Can I come with you?]

[No sorry XD. I'm leaving you here to deal with this horrible person. wispersplease kill her! XD]

Fallenwolf furrows his eyebrows. "But I only just met you... Ugh fine."

""Help im kitting!' Yelled AdderTail

Feathersong, an ex-SunClan warrior met Hazelstar at the border. Her feminine appearance shocked the Leader, as she was known as the fiercest warrior the the land. "Hazlestar! Great to see you!" She smiled and muttered a bit more flirtatiously, "Are you alone?" <Gr8 to see you Hazel>

Fallenwolf sighed.

Hazelstar smiled flirtatiously. "Yes I am..." [Lets keep this PG, Feather XD]

Two kits popped out from Addrrtail "ooooo this one is alderkit and this one is .ShadowKit.

Fallenwolf sighed again. "Sure." [Hazel I will give you a shoutout if you kick Addertail out.]

Feathersong brushed up against the leader. "I have been waiting /so/ long for this meeting." She grinned. "We /have/ to meet again before The nest full moon."

[Ok fallen, challenge accepted >:). AdderTail, you're kicked.]

~Addertail has been kicked for impersonating Pyrocinical~

[Wth XD. Hazel, you have outdone yourself.]

<gr8 job xD. I gtg. Bai>

[ugh. You always leave. And thanks Fallen XD I hated her]

This is somewhat true XD. I have an Instagram RP account and this girl named her cat AdderTail and she broke so many rules that we kicked her 😂 ~ Silver

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