Chapter 17

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Amethystglimmer had just finished kitting and all of her mates were surrounding her, arguing about whose they were. "Guys stop arguing we need to name them."

"Te glodn kti wit da wite pwa iz totly mien nd shuld b cald Mustrdkti." Glodhart siad.

"Okay," Amethystglimmer responded, "Mustardkit for that one."

Twistersoul huffed in frustration. "The kits are clearly mine because that black one is identical to me. His name should be Tarkit."

[Guys those names are so unrealistic.]

(You're not Loststar. I don't take orders from you!)

{Ugh, I hate this roleplay so much. All anyone does is argue.}

(Then leave!)

[Yeah, if it's so horrible, find something better to do.]

{Well...I don't have anything better to do.}



{Shuddup I totally have a life.}

(Really? Cuz all you do is sit around and complain.)

[The idiot does have a point.]

{Ugh, I'm done with this conversation.}

(Of course you are.)

[Stupid jerk.]


[If you insist...]

"No!" Shouted Teafur. "That light brown kit looks exactly like me! Those kits have gotta be mine! It should be named Toastkit."

Amethystglimmer nodded, ignoring the foolish toms' bickering about whose kits they were. She looked at the final kit, a plain brown one that was a Volebelly look-a-like. The beautiful she-cat looked up at him expectantly.

Volebelly smiled. "That one should be called Chocolatekit, after my favorite Twoleg food. "

(Of COURSE Volebelly would name it after food.)

|You calling me fat?|

(Yes. Yes I am.)

|I hate you -_-|


Amethystglimmer nodded enthusiastically. "Okay, so the kits will be named Mustardkit, Tarkit, Toastkit, and Chocolatekit."

[Those names are horrible. Who are you, Leafstar?]

(I totally agree.)

/SkyClan names aren't THAT bad.\

[Yes they are.]

(Billystorm? Bellapaw? Rileypaw? Come ON.)


{Hey I just realized we need someone to roleplay all these kits.}

|Oh yeah. I already roleplay a few characters so someone else can do it.|

[Won't be me.]

(Or me.)

/Guys the kits always die, remember?\


Suddenly Amethystglimmer realized none of her kits were breathing. "Moonmoon! Her 100000 apprentices! Help!"

The medicine cat and all her apprentices rushed to the nursery, flinging the arguing toms aside. After about 0.00000000001 seconds, Moonmoon concluded they were all dead.

"Sorry. Dey is all ded." She muttered and left to go reorganize her herb store for the 10000000000th time that day. Her apprentices followed, pushing each other over.

"Gosh darn it"." Amethystglimmer hissed in annoyance. "Now I gotta bury these stupid kits. Sometimes I wonder why it's worth mating with you all."

[You have such a horrible attitude towards your kits and mates.]

/Shut up Dawnstreak, we all know you're just jealous of all my mates.\

[Am NOT.]

/Sure, you go ahead and think that.\

[That's it, I'm done. See you never losers.]


{Hope your device crashes on the way out!}


{...Never mind.}

I honestly don't even know what this is. Written by Feather, with special thanks to our fan @emberblazeofwindclan for the inspiration of all the kits looking like the many mates! You da best.

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