Scarlett Isabella Valentine

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My dad pushed my sisters and I, along with my mom, into the truck to get away from the paparazzi. I wasn't sure if they knew the reason why we were here, but I doubt it. Our family was very private, and our business rarely got out into the public. My mom and dad actually hated the attention. I was glad it was cold out and that my dad had on gloves so they couldn't see the bandage on his hands. That would just bring questions we really didn't need or want. I wasn't sure if Sean would press charges or anything, but Iman was pretty confident that he wouldn't. I tried not to worry about it too much. I was already losing Kamari for three months. I didn't want to lose daddy and Iman, too.

Once Ryan, Ascaria, and I were in the backseat, I rubbed my hands together trying to warm them up. Even with my gloves on, it was still cold. I missed LA badly and I honestly didn't see how Ry dealt with this cold weather every winter. My mom slid into the passenger seat and my dad closed the door behind her. I watched as he fought the camera people away with an annoyed expression on his face. He finally reached the driver's door and rushed inside.

   He let out a breath causing my mom to giggle. He gave her a playful look before cranking the engine. "Where are we going daddy?" Ryan asked.

"Just ride lul girl." He said as he pulled out of the hotel parking lot.

   She shrugged, pulling out her phone and lost herself in it. I looked at Ascaria who was looking out of the window, really quiet. That was really unlike her. I wondered what she was thinking or feeling. My twin senses wasn't giving me anything at the moment. "Are you ok baby?" My mom looked back at her.

Ascaria looked at her, nodding and smiling lightly before looking back out of the window. "What happened?" Daddy glanced briefly at mom.

  "Nothing." Ascaria answered quickly.

Daddy looked at her through the mirror, deciding if he wanted to continue pressing. However, he decided against it and focused back on the road. He knew eventually that he'd find out. My phone vibrated in my purse, and I searched high and low for it. After a few minutes, I finally found it at the very bottom and made a mental note to clean out my purse. I noticed that I had a text from Roman and KaNoah at the same time.

  Roman: Everything good? I know you was kind of out of it last night

Noah🙄: We need to talk. Like seriously.

   I decided to answer Roman's text first since his wasn't as nerve-wracking. I told him that I was fine and I thank him for checking on me. Roman was starting to grow on me. While he was amazingly handsome, he had a great personality and I learned that we shared the same interests. He was sweet as well. It felt genuine and sincere. He reminded me of my daddy and that gave me a sense of comfort. So far, my family was fond of him too and his family was the same with me. Well, at least his little sisters and mom.

I met them when I was on FaceTime with him one night. They were having game night and he insisted that I stayed on the phone with him. I did, and I'm kind of glad I did. His mom is sweet and not judgmental. His little sisters remind me of Iman. It was cute, though.

   Exiting out of that thread, I went to Noah's name and replied to his message. I told him that I was out with my people right now and that we could talk later. He said ok and I placed my phone back in my purse. I hated when people text me we need to talk because it'll be on my mind for the rest of the day. Well, maybe not. My family is little crazy so hopefully they'll take my mind off of it.

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