Revamped Chapter Four: Draco

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Chapter Four: Draco

Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I'm glad for that.

Allie Condie

"I'm going to miss you so much, little one," I say to the boy wrapped in my arms as I wipe away his tears. He smiles up at me.

"I'm just going to miss you guys so much," he exclaims as he sobs into my arms. I look at the dominants surrounding us. They are awkwardly looking away. I almost laugh at their antics. They are so afraid of affection, but what they don't realize is that showing affection is not a weakness, but a strength.

"Lupus, you have to leave soon," I say as I pull him arm's length away.

He sighs sadly. "I know," he whispers.

"Hey, you get to meet your new mate today. This chapter may be ending, but a new one is just beginning, and at night you only have to look at the stars and know I'll always be there."

"I know," he whispers. He looks longingly at mother and I as he gets in the car. I stare until he is pass the trees and his scent is gone.

"You will make such a great alpha," my mother says looking towards me.

"I know."

It's been hours since Lupus left and I hate to admit it, but I am heartbroken. My little sister and little brother are gone and I'm all alone. We may have had different roles in the pack, but we were all really close.

I am the future alpha. I spent a lot of time in trouble for my anger issues and shadowing father in preparation for my future position. Whereas, Lupus spent his time hiding in his room reading, listening to music, and at school. Nova spent most of her time running around, playing sports and games. She also spent a great deal of time sparring and exercising. She was determined to be strong enough to "protect her mate." That's how we bonded. I helped her learn defensive and offensive techniques. With Lupus, I was his protector. I lost count of how many dominants I fought over that kid.

People from the outside looking in may think that we would hate each other because we are so different, but we celebrated our differences and took care of each other. My family fell apart today and I felt a piece of me leave with each of them.

"What ya doing?" Arche says as he pops into my office. I smile at the goofball. He's my best friend and my Gamma. He will take over the pack with me in two weeks along with our friend Halo who will be the Beta.

"Missing Nova and Lupus," I reply miserably. Arche knows how much I care for my siblings. He's seen us together and understands the bond we share. Not only are we siblings, we are triplets. We grew up together side by side, us against the world. Hell, they were my world.

"Aww, buddy, I'm sure they're doing fine," Halo says as he steps into the room.

"I know they're doing fine. They are my siblings. They are awesome by association. I just miss them." I hold back the tears threatening to fall.

"Why don't you call Nova? I'm sure she's settled in and can talk," Arche suggests as he tenderly touches my shoulder. It wasn't a sign of affection. It's a sign of support.

I don't even reply as I excitedly pick up the phone to call the little minx. I dial the number after looking through a thousand files to find it. I need to clean.

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