Chapter Five: Lyra

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Chapter Five: Lyra

"Courage is looking fear right in the eye and saying, 'Get the hell out of my way, I've got things to do.'"


I've been here two weeks, and I absolutely hate it! Apollo is really sweet, kind of. He likes to tease me all the time like an asshole, but he also helps me a lot. He also likes to dress me, because my clothes are too "feral," but that's exactly how I like them.

The jeans are always too tight and itchy. The skirts rise up, and I flash everyone in sight. The dresses are either too form fitting, or too long and I trip. I don't understand why I can't just wear drawstring shorts and tank tops.

They have also stuck to this torturous device known as a bra. It sticks me, and I feel smothered. Apparently, my breasts are big, and I can't go "commando" ever. I don't think they're that big. The sizes make no sense, but apparently I'm a 38DD. It's apparently too big to ever go without a bra, but at my pack I never wore one. We compromise on the sports bra, but sometimes with my outfits I have to wear a normal one, and I am miserable all day.

Today, I am wearing tights, and a big shirt. No one important is coming, so this is supposed to be a comfortable outfit, but the fabric sticks to me like a second skin. One thing they can never convince me to wear is shoes. I kick them off as soon as I put them on. Sometimes I wear socks, but I like to let my toes run free. They shouldn't be confined to a space. It's captivity.

"Lyra, please, pay attention to me," Apollo says exasperated. Did I mention he was talking? Well, he is, and I'm not listening.

"Huh?" I say totally clueless.

"I have to go to a meeting with some alphas, and I want you to be on your best behavior."

"Why do I have to go again?"

He sighs. "I want to show off my beautiful fiancée. Please try to be good for me," he begs.


"Thank you." I smile at him. I really like him, and sometimes I have really embarrassing dreams about him that make me leak fluids. I meant to ask him about that.

"Hey, Apollo. Can I ask you a potentially embarrassing question?"

"Sure," he says with a smile that could light up the universe. I think my wolf really cares about him, and I do too. He puts up with me which is a hard job. Trust me.

"Sometimes I have dreams about our mating, and a fluid leaks out. What is that called?" I say genuinely curious.

He turns scarlet red, and starts to tumble over his words. I continue to wait for an answer, but he looks anywhere, but me.

"It's not, you know, blood. I'm not using the bathroom. I have no clue what it is. It's also really sticky when I wipe," I add.

"I think this is a conversation for when you're older," he says trying to avoid answering.

"I'm an adult, and you are my mate. Please tell me. To be honest, it's a little scary. What if I'm like dying?"

"You're not dying," he says rolling his eyes. "It's just your body is aroused, and prepping you for the mating."

"Oh," I say. "Good, now when is this meeting?"

"We are leaving now. C'mon." He grabs my hand gently, and tugs me along. He guides me through the labyrinth of rooms that I still can't navigate by myself, and stops in front of huge double doors that I know well. It's the meeting room that I've found myself in a couple times to discuss my "appalling" actions.

He opens the door, and his dad is sitting at the end of a long table where other men are beside him. I assume they are alphas. A little ways over is another smaller table with women and subs occupying. Apollo guides me over there, and tells me to be good like he's my father or something. I put on a huge shit-eating grin, and whispered for him to go fuck himself. He coughed a little obviously surprised, but covers it surprisingly well, and walks over to the other alphas.

I almost burst out laughing, but contain it easily. I put on a neutral face, and look at the rejects over here with me. There are two submissive males, and three other females. The females all have a case of resting bitch face, so I turn my attention to the males. I give them an awkward wave which they return.

"You know the fact that you waved back means we're best friends now, right?" I ask as I raise my eyebrow.

The submissive smile in obvious amusement. "What are your names?" I ask.

"Chad," one says.

"I'm Dylan," the other one adds.

"I'll be Cooper," I say with a grin. They giggle obviously getting the reference. They must like human TV shows as well.

"We are Chad Dylan Cooper," Chad says laughing, but not too laugh to disturb the big bad alphas.

"Who is your mates?" I ask.

"I'm Michael's mate. He's the alpha of Green Desert pack."

"Green Desert?" I inquire.

"Yeah, the founder was a weirdo," he says smiling.

"My mate is Alpha Jeffrey of Aquatic Assholes," he says laughing.

"That sounds like it's a fitting name for all the alphas here," I say giggling. The females look at me in disgust. I send them a silly face that makes them recoil.

"Look, I know you're new and everything," one of them starts.

"But we are to sit here and not socialize. Plus, you look disgusting," the other one finishes.

I frown. Then I stand up, and launch myself across the table at her shifting effortlessly. I get in a few good hits and claws, before Apollo pulls me off. I am seething. "Lemme at her. I'm going to claw that plastic face off." The other alpha is holding the other female back. "Please, let me go. I do not tolerate disrespect especially for pretty little bitches like her."

The girl is crying, and clinging to her mate. "Take this as a warning. Ever call me disgusting again, and Apollo won't be able to hold me back. You forget my father was an alpha, and my mate is an alpha. I am stronger than you," I spit in anger.

"She called you disgusting?" Apollo says getting angry also. His wolf is strong, and will not tolerate disrespect to his mate.

"It's fine, Apollo. I taught her a lesson she won't soon forget."

"I'm sorry, Apollo that my mate insulted your mate, but your mate assaulted my mate," the other dominant says also angry.

"She was just standing up for herself. Your mate better be glad I didn't hear it. Now, take your mate, and get off our lands. Consider our alliance terminated."

"Don't be rash, Apollo," Kale says.

"Fine, but your mate is no longer welcome here. You forget whose pack needs who," Apollo says. "Now, I'm going to tend to my mate," he says as he pulls me out of the room.

"Are you hurt?" Apollo asks once we are back to our room.

"No, but let's watch Blade," I say.

"Okay," he says giving me a quick peck on the lips. I look up at him in shock.

"That was my first kiss," I say as I touch my hands to my lips. It might have been quick, but it was nice.

"Good. Now, let's watch Blade."

I smile, and get into the action-packed movie known as Blade.

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