Chapter Four: Draco

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Chapter Four: Draco

Doing something positive will help turn your mood around. When you smile, your body relaxes. When you experience human touch and interaction, it eases tension in your body.

Simone Elkeles

Yesterday, I was sworn in as the Alpha while my friends Arche (Ar-key) and Halo were sworn in as my Beta and Gamma respectively. The new reign has begun.

The only problem is that now that I am officially Alpha, I'm expected to take a mate. My father says both my sister and brother have already been betrothed, and what am I waiting for? I have a few days to figure it out, because Father took Lupus to his new mate.

I already have so much on my plate, and I am not looking for the responsibility of a mate. Once I find my mate, I'll be expected to have children, and then take care of them. I am not ready for that. I don't even know if I like children. What if children don't like me?

I shake my head clear of these thoughts. I don't even have to worry about this now. I have to worry about our ever growing population. I need to get some expansion plans going. That'll be my excuse to wait for a mate.

I walk out my room to find Arche. "Arche!"

"Polo," echoes through the halls in response. He is so childish.



"Arche, stop being an asshole, and come here," I say as I walk into Halo's office where he is reading over some paperwork. It's probably the forms for our new members. I should probably go visit them to see how they're settling in.

"Hey, Halo. How's the new members?"

"They died."

"What? How? When?"

"I'm just kidding. You should have saw your face," he laughs as Arche walks in.

"Do ya'll just enjoy pissing me off, or what?"

"Your face," Halo manages to get out.

"Is ugly," Arche follows up which makes Halo laugh even harder.

I smack them on the back of their heads. "Get your shit together. I have pack business to discuss, Asshole and Ogre."

They bow their heads in submission. "Sorry," they mutter out.

"Apology accepted. Because you have aggravated me, I am tasking you idiots to find a contractor and interior designer to come up with some ideas to expand the cave."

"Yes, Alpha," they chorus.

I walk out a lot more aggravated than when I walked in, but I ignore my anger, and go welcome the new members. They are Halo's mate's parent's brother's sister-in-law's cousin's family. Yes, very confusing, but Halo insisted that it was imperative I take them in. He also was insistent I learn the relation.

I walk through all the twists and turns and come to a room. There are rugs blocking the view. I announce myself, and walk in.

There is no one there, but an obviously submissive male. I know they have three sons. They're all submissive. One is already mated. The other is a pup, so this must be their middle child. The parents must be out. It's a submissive and warrior couple, and weirdly the sub's genes were dominant. I think the sub's father was a Gamma. Anyway, who cares?

"Hello?" I ask fishing for his name.

"Who are you?" he asks rather rudely.

"I am the alpha, and you are in my pack, so I demand some respect."

"I'm sorry, Alpha. My name is Rocket."

"Nice to meet you, Rocket. May I know your parent's location?"

"I'm not exactly sure, but they'll be back soon. You're welcome to wait," he says with a totally new attitude. I'm surprised he was so disrespectful to a dominant in the first place.

"Yes, I'll wait. Also, Rocket, I'd like if you would show a little more respect to dominants. The way you talked to me was unacceptable."

"I'm sorry," he bows his head respectively.

"How old are you, Rocket?" I ask.

"I am fifteen."

"Awww, yes. You are in a rebellious stage," I say laughing.

"You're like nineteen, at most, but you're acting like you're fifty," he says giggling.

"I suppose, but being an alpha ages you," I say as I tilt my head back. The exhaustion is starting to catch up with me.

"Well, I could give you a massage?" he suggests.

I nod in approval. "I could really use a massage."

He begins to work, and my body slowly relaxes. Suddenly, I get an idea. "Rocket, you are to become my mate."


"Yes, I have decided. I need a mate, and I like you. "

"My massages are that good?" he asks in total confusion.


Author's Note that 90% won't read

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