Chapter One: Draco

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Chapter One: Draco [EDITED]

Love knows not distance; it hath no continent; its eyes are for the stars.

Gilbert Parker

"Draco, you're the future alpha of this pack. You can't just run around and do whatever you want. The things you do reflect us as a pack. There are going to be repercussions to the stunt you have pulled today. You are not going to be able to leave this room for the next few days. I want you to contemplate your actions, and have a new attitude when you come out," my father yells at me.

I nod not really caring. I just punched some alpha's son for disrespecting me. It's not that big of a deal. I was just trying to cure his diarrhea of the mouth. His dad should be thanking me for knocking his spoiled son down a couple of pegs. I don't even know why father ever invites their pack over. They just stress everyone out for days.

My dad growls at me, but it really has no effect anymore. I'll be taking over on my eighteenth birthday in a couple of weeks. I look up anyway.

"Yes?" I ask with my eyebrow raised.

"Your sister wants to say her farewells as she is leaving tomorrow."


"Son, do you not listen to anything we say? We've been talking about this alliance for weeks. She's going to the Crescent pack to mate their heir."

"A city pack?" I do not remember this ever being mentioned, but I have been pretty absorbed in preparations to become alpha. I've never been to so many meetings in my life. By the end of the day, I am exhausted, and pretty much ignore my family at dinner, and then pass out asleep.

"Yes, Draco. We are going to form an alliance out of this deal. I give them Lyra, and they offered us their protection in any future battles."

"I vaguely remember this," I say. He throws his hands up in exasperation and leaves. I laugh as Lyra walks in.

"Hello, brother," she says very formal.

"Hello, Lyra," I say in response. She steps over to me, and throws her arms around my neck, crying.

"Draco, I do not want to go to the Crescent pack. I want to stay in Buckwood with you, Lupus, and mom," she bawls. "I like being feral. I'll have to wear dresses! Me in a dress! Can you imagine?"

I laugh. I indeed cannot imagine the young woman in front of me in a dress. She has a pretty decent body, but it is always covered in a layer of dirt. She has probably been rolling around with the pups again. Her long, chocolate hair is in a ponytail because she hardly ever brushes it. She has on loose drawstring shorts, and a tank top.

"You'll have to wear a bra," I say teasing her. She frowns.

"They intend to torture me?" she cries out suddenly.

"Who intends to torture you?" Lupus says walking in.

"Yes, let's have a family reunion in my room," I say sarcastically.

"Did someone say family reunion?" my mom says also joining us. My mom is the epitome of beauty. Her only flaw is her boobs. She's chairperson of the itty bitty titty committee.

"Mom, did you know the Crescent pack intends to torture me?" Lyra says dramatically. She flails her arms around like a monkey flinging poop. I have to contain my laughter.

"What! Orion!" Mom yells.

"Yes, just invite more people into my room." I say as Father walks in. Father towers like a giant in my doorway.

"The Crescent pack intends to torture Lyra," Mom says angrily. I chuckle lightly to myself at the utter chaos which is ensuing.

"They intend to do what! Where did you get this information?" my father yells.

"Lyra," my mom replies.

"Where did Lyra hear this?"

"I heard it from Draco," she says.

"Draco, is this true?" my father asks.

"She thinks having to wear a bra is torture. In that sense, it's true," I say no longer holding back the laughter.

"I wore a bra once. Never again," my mom says.

"You're not helping, Virgo," Father says literally pulling at his hair.

"Mom, why did you need a bra? There's barely anything there," I say earning me a whack on the head from Father.

"Size doesn't matter," Father says.

"Yeah, mom. I don't have any boobs, but boys like me," Lupus adds in trying to be helpful. I just laugh harder.

"You're a boy, so any boys that like you don't like breasts anyway. Mom is a female. She is supposed to have breasts," Lyra says.

"I have breasts," Mom yells rather offended.

"Where?" I ask.

"Here," she points to her rather flat chest.

"I don't see anything. Do you Lyra?"

"Nope," she replies tapping her chin.

Mom screams and walks out with Father following her after sending us a glare; we laugh.

We finally stop laughing, and notice Lupus disappeared as well.

"Lupus!" Lyra screams.

He pops his head in, and asks what she wants.

"I want you to have one last sleepover with us," she answers close to tears. When we were younger, we use to have sleepovers together. We would play games, and just catch up with each other since because of our different roles sometimes we didn't see each other often. It was our way of staying close.

"Really?" Lupus smiles and joins us on the bed.

"I have so much I have to tell you, guys," he says happily. "Daddy also found me a mate. He's going to announce it after you leave tomorrow. He's from the Buckley pack. He showed me a picture, and he's so gorgeous! He's going to be the Beta. I leave in two weeks."

Buckley was our neighboring pack. Luckily for Lupus, it's also a feral pack. I'd met the Beta a few times, and he seemed strong enough to take care of Lupus. I was happy for Lupus, but I'm going to miss him so much. I'm going to miss Lyra too. Though I'm not the most affectionate guy, I do love my siblings.

"I'm happy for you Lupus. I'm going to miss you even if you are a little tattletale," I say patting his white blond hair. His light almost colorless blue eyes sparkled with tears.

"Don't cry, Lupus. We will still visit each other. We can even write letters to each other," Lyra says wiping a tear that escaped his eyes. I looked at her, and her hazel eyes were also filling with tears.

I shift into my werewolf momentarily forgetting I was wearing shorts, and my massive form rips them, but I don't mind. I wrap my arms around them, and they snuggle into my fur. "Guys, stop being so emotional. We will always be together in the stars."

They smile sadly at me, and fall asleep. Only when I am sure they are sleep do I allow a tear to escape my eyes as I realize this will be our last night all together.

[A/N] The chapters will go Draco, Lyra, then Lupus. This chapter was mainly so you got to know them together as a family before they split up.

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