Chapter Two: Lyra

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Chapter Two: Lyra

That is the exploration that awaits you! Not mapping stars and studying nebula, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence.

Leonard Nimoy

"Lyra, stop pouting. You better put a grin on that face, and be happy I found you such a powerful mate. He's a good guy. Even Draco manages to tolerate him," Father says from beside me. I don't even glance his way. I just grunt in response. Though, being Draco-approved is very hard. It's a prestigious award.

However, my father is sending me off to a retarded city pack to become some Alpha's mate. We'll be engaged for the next couple weeks, and then we'll be expected to have sex which is sickening. I'm not even entirely sure how sex works. It's a weird concept to me.

I run a hand through my hair which is washed and straightened for the occasion. I shift uncomfortably in what is considered a sports bra. It's supposed to be more comfortable, and was our compromise, but it feels like it's smothering me. I'm wearing an uncomfortable material in the form of long shorts, and a shirt with flowers. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a stranger. This woman is not me. She's some kind of doppelganger.

"Lyra, we're here," Father says. I look up, and see a massive house erected in front of me. It is very different from a cave carved in a massive mountain. I grimace at the artificial grass that encases my toes as I step out the car. I left my shoes in the car because they were horrid death traps with weapons attached to the underside. I already had a knife tucked in the pocket of my long shorts. I didn't know what the necessity for the shoes were.

I follow my father up the path to the stairs that lead to the door. I never understood why people felt the need to lift a door off the ground. It seemed frivolous.

We walk up the stairs to a massive door. My father raises his enormous hand to knock, but the door swings open before he can. In front of me stands a huge man like he is big for no reason. He's looks to be in his early twenties. He honestly looks like he could break me. I'm a good fighter, but fighting him would be like putting up a baby against a sumo wrestler. I am sure to lose.

I study him as we follow him in. He has black hair with dark red tips. He's wearing a dark red shirt with this weird neck covering. It doesn't go all the way around, but it looks uncomfortable. He has on the same material long shorts as me. He's wearing shoes with strings in them, and they have a weird looking check mark on the side.

He leads us to a lounge where an older man is sitting. He has similar features to the man that led us here. I assume they're father and son.

"Hello, Orion," the man says to my dad. He must be important to call my father by his name without the title.

"Hello, Kale," my father replies. "This is my daughter, Lyra," he says pushing me forward.

"Pleased to meet you, sir," I say as I shake his hand.

The other man steps forward, and grasps my hand and pulls it to his lips. "Nice to meet you, Lyra. I am Apollo," he says smiling. I assume he is to be my mate.

I rip my hand from his grasp. "I wish I could say the same." I smile sweetly. Apollo growls.

"I'm sorry, Kale. She's having a hard time adjusting," my father says in an attempt to diffuse the situation. I know I'm going to hear about this later. "Why doesn't Apollo take Lyra, and show her around the house."

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