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"You freaking limp penis! You have the nerve, the audacity to defy me, Lyra, your Luna? Big mistake, you whore. I hate you."

"Lyra, the couch has not moved. You should be apologizing for stubbing your toe," Apollo says from the bed with a massive grin lining his features.

"Why do you always take his side?" I cry out, real tears streaming down my face.

"Oh my gosh, how much longer are you going to be pregnant?" he says frustrated.

"Do you plan on getting rid of me? Has this been the game all along? Get me pregnant with an heir and then just drop me as soon as the baby is born?"

He stands up and walks over to me. He wraps me up in his arms as if I am a small child. "Of course not."

I hop up and wrap my legs around his frame. He immediately grips my thighs to keep me up, and I wrap my arms around his neck. He kisses me softly on the lips.

He moves to bed and drops me down and reaches for my shorts.

"Hold up. I know you don't think you're getting sex after taking his side." I push his hands aside, and he flops next to me with a growl.

"His? It's a couch."

"Who I should apparently apologize to."

"Please not today, Satan," he says as he covers his head with a pillow.

"I am not Satan. I am worse," I say as roll over to the side to get comfortable. Sleeping at three months pregnant is tough. I'm too hot, cold, left, right, down, up. Everything is just so freaking complicated.

"Trust me, I know," he says. As my bottom lip starts to quiver, he quickly tells me to call Draco or Lupus as they have both called today.

"I don't want to talk to them. All they talk about is their pups and it's exhausting. Starlette nipped at me today. Aurora sneezed so prettiful. Celena laughed so cute today. I don't freaking care. I puked my guts up this morning and found out that I'm allergic to blueberry. Celena loves blueberries. It always goes back to their stupid children. Why did we get pregnant last again?"

"Because you were so adamant we don't get pregnant, and we ended up getting pregnant anyway," he says rolling his eyes.

"Well, that's your fault. Being that cute should be a crime," I say smirking.

"Oh, really." He winks at me and as soon as we are about to fuck each other into oblivion someone knocks.

"What the fuck do you want?" he roars at the door. His dad enters smiling because he knows what he did. I'm completely unfazed. I actually just want food. I get up, ready to leave while Apollo is groaning talking about this is the first time in a month I was going to sleep with him because he somehow always manages to upset me, yadadada. I don't care.

I just stand up and wander out in the hallway.

"Hey, baby," I hear from down the hallway. I run towards the voice and give him a huge hug.

"Hey Chad!"

"No love for me?" Dylan says stepping from behind him.

"Of course you get love!" I scream as I also engulf him in a huge hug. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Alpha meeting," Chad says in a bored tone. Well, that explains Apollo's dad. "We thought we'd come see our spirit animal."

"Well, you know you're always welcome to visit, but I'm going to carry my fat ass to the kitchen to stuff my face. Would you like to accompany me?"

They nod yes, and begin to follow me. I get tired about halfway there. "APOLLO!" I scream as I sit down where I am. The guys look confused.

"Are you in labor?" one of them asks. I don't answer, I just wait.

Apollo appears in the hallway full wolf a few seconds later.

"I feel like I'm going to pass out. Can you please carry me to the kitchen?" I say trembling. He nods his head and I climb on his back. "I'll meet you guys there."

He drops me off in a chair in the kitchen and then the guys show up five minutes later clapping.

"You're good," they applaud.

I just smile. "I know."

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