Chapter Thirty-Three

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Harry woke up the next day to the sound of light chuckling. Harry was about to ignore it, but found he couldn't quite ignore the 'aawwweee' he heard when Draco snuggled closer into his side in his sleep.

He opened his eyes slowly, blinking at the light coming from the infirmary window. He moved slightly in order to sit up a bit and see who had decided it would be a good idea to wake him up.

"Good morning Harry!" Narcissa said enthusiastically.

Harry sighed at having being woken up when he suddenly remembered the position he was in at the moment. He blushed madly, realizing that he and Draco were entangled, with the blonde still sleeping against his chest.

"'Morning" He replied, sitting up fully, startling the blonde into waking.

"W'as goin' on?" Dray asked sleepily.

"Good morning, Draco." Severus said from behind Narcissa, startling not only Draco, but Harry as well, since he hadn't known the Potions Master had been there.

"Oh Merlin!" Draco and Harry said at the same time, blushing a dark red at having had not only Narcissa see them, but Severus as well.

"So Dragon," Narcissa started with a smirk, "was this just to 'comfort' you as well?"

"Umm... Actually Narcissa," Harry began, still blushing, "Dray and I are... well... dating now."

Harry and Draco laughed at the surprised looks on both Narcissa and Severus' faces. While the two had known they would get together eventually, they hadn't really thought it would happen so suddenly.

"Really?!" Narcissa said excitedly, "You best not be messing with me Harry James Potter!"

Dray laughed gently at that before saying, "Yes Mother, we really are dating now."

Harry looked towards the blonde, smiling at the happiness that radiated off the other boy. He couldn't help but stare a little longer in awe, not quite understanding what it was he'd done to deserve someone as amazing as his Dray.

"Anyways," Draco started, "why are you two here?"

"We were just checking up on you." Sev said, still sounding a little shocked.

"Yes, and we're here to tell you that you are free to leave at any time! You even have today off of classes!" Narcissa said happily, smiling brightly at the two boys, "Okay well, we'll go now! Bye!"

"But we still have to tell them abou-" Severus started but was unable to finish as Narcissa interrupted her.

"Yes well, I believe that can wait until tomorrow, don't you Severus?" Narcissa said pointedly, obviously telling Sev to stop talking.

"Oh... Yes, I suppose you are correct... See you boys later."

With that said, both adults walked out of the infirmary, leaving the boys alone once more.

"So, what should we do?" Harry asked.

"Let's go to our room." Draco said, smiling lightly, "I'm tired of this place."

Harry and Draco left once they had packed away any of their belongings that had been brought down from the tower. As they walked through the castle, they silently held hands, constantly looking over towards the other. At first, Harry had tried to keep his looks subtle, but soon realized what a losing battle that was and decided to stare at the blonde for as long as he wanted. This resulted in Draco blushing furiously by the time they reached their flat.

Harry couldn't deny that he enjoyed watching the blonde squirm under his gaze and knowing that he could affect the other boy just as much as Draco could affect him. Once they got into their flat, however, the tables were suddenly turned as he found himself being pressed against the now closed door.

Harry's reflexes started to kick in and he almost kneed the blonde something fierce, but stopped himself when he felt a familiar pair of lips press onto his own.

Where their first kiss had been chaste and short-lived, this one was quite passionate. The blonde had Harry pressed confidently against the door using his body, placing his right hand firmly on Harry's chest, the other at the side of his head. Draco's lips on his were insistent and impatient. It was obvious to Harry that the blonde had been waiting the whole walk over to do exactly this.

Soon, Harry felt Draco's tongue swipe lightly across his bottom lip, asking permission. Harry, wanting to catch Draco off guard, obliged before taking control. Harry pushed Draco off of him none too lightly before quickly pushing the other boy towards the couch.

The blonde stumbled slightly, sitting down right away when the back of his legs hit the couch. Harry, happy that his plan worked, swiftly straddled Draco, looking into the smirking face of his boyfriend.

"My my, Harry," Draco said, sounding slightly breathless, "who knew you could be so damn sexy?"

"Shut up, you." Harry said, blushing lightly as he realized the position he had gotten himself into.

"Make me..." the blonde whispered.

Harry wasted no more time feeling self-conscious, leaning towards his boyfriend whilst still straddling the blonde's lap.

"I don't think I will." Harry whispered into Draco's ear.

"What do you mea-"

Before Draco could finish Harry suddenly started kissing from the blonde's ear down to his jaw, then his neck. He savoured each and every sound the blonde was making beneath him as he started to kiss harder, eventually sucking at the base of the other boy's neck.

"Mmm, Harry..." the blonde breathed.

Harry smiled to himself. Though it was the first time he had done anything even remotely sexual, he couldn't help but feel completely relaxed knowing it was Draco he was doing it to. He sucked harder, liking the idea of leaving a mark on the blonde, letting everyone know that Draco was most definitely taken.

Slowly, Harry trailed back up the blonde's neck before kissing his lips once more. It wasn't long before the two boys' positions were switched once again, this time Draco having Harry pressed into the couch, with the blonde on top of him.

"Merlin, Harry..." Draco moaned slightly, looking down at him, "you're so beautiful..."

The blonde then leaned down, thoroughly kissing Harry once again, pushing him further into the coach. Without thinking about it, Harry reached up and grabbed the blonde hair he admired so much, pulling slightly harder than he normally would have. He continued tugging on it, however, when he heard the lovely moan that came from the blonde's mouth as he did it.

After a few more minutes, the kiss started to turn from being fast and hungry, to being more calm and loving. They slowed their movements down, Harry running his hands gently through the blonde's hair, eventually cupping his cheek lightly. Draco used his fingers to lightly trace over Harry's face, memorizing as much as he possibly could.

Harry trailed his hands down the other boy's body, stopping as he reached the bottom of the blonde's shirt. Feeling bold, Harry lifted it enough to slip his hands inside. Draco gasped above him at the contact before moaning slightly as Harry ran his hands on the blonde's chest and back.

Eventually, the kiss slowed down and stopped completely, ending with the two boy's cuddling on the couch together, still panting slightly.

"Dray..." Harry said lightly, running his hand through the blonde's soft hair and noticing the other boy was drifting off.


"Let's go to bed." He said, getting off the couch and pulling Draco with him.

They made it to their room and decided to lay in the bed closest to the door, which happened to be Harry's. They lay down, Harry on his back and Draco curling into his side, resting his head on Harry's chest. Harry kissed the top of the blonde's head before they could fall asleep, wrapping his arms tightly around the other boy.

"I love you, Dray." Harry whispered.

"Love you too." Draco said before falling asleep in Harry's arms.

Harry smiled to himself, enjoying the feel of having his love in his arms. He nuzzled into the blonde even more, placing one hand against Draco's chest. After a few minutes, Harry felt his eyelids slowly start to close, falling asleep to the rhythm of Draco's heart.

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