Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Draco's POV:

       As he and Harry left Sev's quarters, he knew that Harry was wondering why he had them leave. All he knew was that he didn't want his Godfather to see what he was going to do. Both boys walked silently side by side as they made their way back to their apartment. Once there, Draco led the other boy to their bedroom and carefully un-buttoned Harry's shirt once again.

"What are you doing, Dray?" Harry asked, but made no move to stop him.

"I'm putting the salve on your scars, of course," he said nonchalantly, already knowing how the raven-haired boy was going to react.

       He watched as panic rose in the green eyes he'd come to know and love. The other boy soon started to back away from him, attempting to re-button his shirt with his trembling fingers.

"No... You-you can't." Harry stuttered.

"Why not?" he asked, confused.

"Be-because... They're... hideous and I don't... want you to have to touch them..." Harry said, sounding utterly defeated.

       Draco quickly grabbed the retreating boy and pulled Harry into his arms tightly. He's afraid that I'm not going to like him... he thought sadly.

"Harry," he started, "Raven... you are beautiful with or without your scars, please do not feel like you must hide them from me." He pleaded.

       He felt Harry sag slightly in his embrace. 

"Alright, Draco..." he said.

       Draco slowly moved the raven-haired teen towards his bed and had him lie down with his shirt off. He then grabbed the salve Severus had given him and sat on the bed next to Harry. He put a decent amount of the salve onto his fingertip and gently began applying it to Harry's chest. He worked his way down Harry's chest slowly, not just wanting to be sure he didn't miss any scars, but also wanting to cherish this rare moment in which he was allowed to intimately touch Harry. He wasn't expecting to get this chance ever again.

       He looked to Harry's face every once in a while to find that those green eyes were locked onto his face. After the third time he noticed this, Draco couldn't help but blush slightly from the intensity in the green eyes.

       He knew that Harry was showing an extreme amount of trust by letting him touch the scars. He was glad that he was the one Harry trusted so much. As he looked into Harry's green eyes for the fourth time, he silently vowed to never betray that trust for as long as they lived.

       Once he reached the final scar, he put all of his focus into getting the salve onto the scar properly, wanting to be absolutely sure that he had covered all of the letters as best as he could. He was so focused, in fact, that he hadn't realized that Harry had begun to reach up towards him until he felt the other boy's hand touch his knee. He looked at the hand on his knee and then to the boy whom it was attached to. Harry had tears in his eyes and he found himself having to look away from the pain and sadness he found there.

       As he finished with the salve and set it aside, Harry finally spoke, "Do you think this will make it go away?"

       Draco looked back towards the raven-haired boy and realized that the teen had been crying because he hadn't thought the salve would work fully.

"I'm not sure, Raven..." he said gently, not wanting to get the other boy's hopes up for no reason.

       Harry slowly sat himself up, taking his hand off of Draco's knee. He didn't have time to be upset about the lack of Harry's touch, however, when the green-eyed teen placed his hand onto Draco's cheek instead. He closed his eyes as the raven-haired teen slowly and gently ran his thumb from just below Draco's ear to his jaw.

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