Chapter Twenty-One

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       It was too dark for Harry to see who it is, but he couldn't care less at that moment. All he knew was that there were two hands holding onto his waist tightly and a pair of lips firmly planted on his own. Harry moved his hands up the other's back slowly, gaining a shiver out of his partner. Finally, Harry's hands came to rest in silky smooth hair. Harry gasped out loud when the other person's lips moved down to his neck. As the other slowly placed open-mouthed kisses down his bare chest, Harry caught a glimpse of beautiful blonde hair. The blonde was excruciatingly slow for Harry's taste, as he was already getting to the edge just from the blonde's trail of kisses. The blonde finally reached his destination when- "Harry" the blonde breathed, making Harry lose the little control he had left. He grabbed hold of the blonde's hair as the blonde came even closer and finally-

       Harry woke with a start and tried to analyse the dream he had been having. Before he could truly think about it though, he discovered the reason he had woken up in the first place.

"No, no, no, please..." he heard Draco say from his bed, obviously still asleep.

       Harry quickly moved over to Draco's bed so he could attempt to wake him from his nightmare.

"Please, not him, take anyone but him!" Draco continued pleading.

       Harry shook him saying, "Come on Draco, it's just a dream, wake up! It's okay."

       The blonde twisted and turned in his sleep. 

"NO! Please!" Draco cried, really sobbing now, "Not him! Not my Ha-"

       Harry let out a sigh of relief as the blonde bolted up, finally having woken from the nightmare.


Draco's POV:

       He was in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor, that much he knew. What he didn't know was how he got there or how long it has been. Looking down at his dirty clothing, he assumed that he had been here for about a week. Suddenly, the door at the top of the stairs opened and his father and the Dark Lord came down.

"Well, I see he's finally woken, Lucius," Voldemort said.

"Hmm, yes. It seems my –son" he said as if Draco was no true son of his, "is much weaker than I thought he'd be... Oh well."

"Whatever it is you want from me, you can't have it," Draco said confidently.

"Oh Draco," the Dark Lord said, trailing his sharp fingernails down Draco's face, almost gently, "we've already got what we wanted. Do you not remember why you are here?"

"Because you're a filthy bastard?" he replied, spitting on Voldemort who was now trailing his nails down Draco's neck.

       The Dark Lord took a step back and nodded to Lucius before going back up the stairs. 

"Oh, now you've done it" Lucius smiled, "You never did know when to shut your filthy mouth".

"Where'd he go?" Draco asked, having a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Why'd he leave?"

"Oh, you'll see." Lucius stated ominously, "Just remember that this is all your fault."

"What it? What's my fault?" he asked, starting to freak out.

"This is," Voldemort said, having just descended the stairs. Beside him was someone with cuts, bruises, and blood all over him. "Look up, my pet and show dearest Draco who you are," Voldemort said in a sickeningly sweet voice that made the blonde want to vomit.

"Dr-Dr-a-c-c-o?" the boy rasped out as he slowly lifted his head.

       Draco's heart sank. He'd recognise that voice anywhere, even if it was all raspy. 

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