Chapter Four

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Harry and Malfoy reached the Gargoyles leading to the Headmaster's office when Harry realized he didn't know the password. Harry swore under his breath. He was about to tell Malfoy he didn't know the password, when a voice behind them made him and Malfoy both jump.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Malfoy" Snape said, "What, might I ask, are the two of you doing out of bed at this time of night?"

"Sir," Harry started, "we need to speak to Dumbledore right away. It's urgent Sir!"

Snape looked long and hard at Harry and Malfoy, then apparently deciding they were telling the truth, he said, "Fine, but I am coming with you."

Harry looked over to Malfoy to see if he was okay with Snape coming with them. Malfoy stared at Harry for a little while before he gave Harry one small, barely noticeable nod. Harry turned to Snape and said, "Okay Sir, lead the way".

Snape turned towards the Gargoyles and said the password. The Gargoyles jumped out of the way and Snape went first with Harry and Malfoy trailing closely behind him. Harry was walking behind Malfoy and started to notice that, the closer they got to Dumbledore's office, the slower Malfoy would walk. Harry put his hand on the small of Malfoy's back, making him keep up with Snape. Malfoy tensed a little, but then slowly began to relax and calm himself.

Finally, they reached the door to the Headmaster's office. Snape took a moment to look back at the two boys with his brows furrowed in thought. Then he turned back to the door and knocked. Malfoy was straightening his robes out when a voice came from within the office "Enter" Dumbledore said. The door opened and Snape entered right away. Malfoy glanced at Harry, a question in his eyes. Harry, understanding that Malfoy was asking if he should really be doing this, gave him a small smile and a nod. Malfoy then straightened himself out, bringing him to his full height and walked into the office with an air of confidence. Harry followed in after him.

Harry noticed Dumbledore was staring at Malfoy with a look of mild confusion. He obviously did not expect to see Malfoy, of all people, in his office at this time of night. After studying Malfoy for another minute, he looked over to Harry, and Harry saw the look of confusion become even more pronounced on the old man's face. Harry had never seen the Headmaster so confused before and he found it quite amusing. The smile that was starting on Harry's face was quickly stopped, however, once he looked over at Malfoy and remembered why they had come here in the first place. After what seemed like an eternity of silence, but was probably only a minute or two, Dumbledore spoke. "So Severus, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I'm not actually sure myself. I found these two," he pointed towards Harry and Malfoy, "in the corridor. They said they needed to speak with you. That it was urgent."

"Ah," said Dumbledore, "So they were not caught fighting?"

"No" said Snape simply.

"Well then," Dumbledore said, clapping his hands together, "I believe I know why these two sought me out this evening. You may go Severus" he finished with a small smile.

"But Albus-,"

"No arguing Severus, I need to speak with these two alone. I will send for you if you are needed." Dumbledore said with an air of finality that clearly told Snape that he was dismissed.

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