Chapter Six

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Harry woke up the next day to find himself on the couch in the Common Room. He had been so tired last night that he had fallen asleep on the couch. Harry slowly got up and stretched. He was sore from having slept in an awkward position all night.

Harry reluctantly went to his room, glad to find Ron was still asleep. He grabbed his clothes and went to shower. When he got out and went to grab his bag, he saw Ron was awake. The ginger just ignored Harry and brushed past him and into the bathroom. Harry sighed. Apparently Ron was still mad at him. Though Harry had expected this, he was still a little hurt. Harry sighed again and then grabbed his bag and left for breakfast.

Harry ran into Hermione in the Common Room and they walked to the Great Hall together. Harry automatically looked towards the Slytherin table and found the blonde reading the Daily Prophet, acting like nothing happened. As if sensing eyes on him, Malfoy looked over his paper at Harry, gave him a tiny nod, and then looked back at the article he was reading. Harry looked away and smiled as he finally reached his seat and sat down.

A part of him had expected Malfoy to get scared and back out, so Harry was happy that Malfoy had acknowledged him. Harry noticed that Zabini had gotten Malfoy's attention and that they turned to look at him. Harry looked down at his empty plate and started filling it with food, a small smile still on his face. Harry's smile faltered however, at the sight of Ron entering the Great Hall. Ron completely ignored him and Hermione and walked right past them to sit with Dean and Neville. The two boys looked surprised and then confused.

Throughout the rest of breakfast, Dean and Neville kept looking between Ron and Harry, trying to figure out what had happened between them. Harry had had enough of the whispering about him and grabbed his bag after pushing his plate away from him. He then rose and stomped out of the Great Hall.

Harry hated all of the attention he was paid because he was 'The-Boy-Who-Lived'. It was so frustrating to Harry because no one believed him when he told them he didn't want the fame. All Harry had ever wanted was to be normal. For people to like him for himself, not because he was the bloody 'Golden Boy'. Why can't someone understand? Even Ron and Hermione don't understand my need to be normal. Why can't just one person understand?

 Harry made his way to Potions class. He may be early, but Harry didn't care. He just wanted to get away from all those people for a while.


Draco's POV:

Draco woke up feeling more tired than when he had fallen asleep. He got up and stretched, then went to the bathroom to shower, bringing his clothes for the day with him. After he had showered, he grabbed his bag and headed out of Slytherin Common Room and into the Great Hall. He knew he was a little early, but he didn't care. He wanted to be there when Potter and his friends come in.

Draco watched as slowly, everyone started entering and grabbing food. When Potter entered, Draco grabbed the Daily Prophet so he could watch Potter without him, or anyone else, knowing. When Draco looked over the Prophet, he was surprised to see Potter only walking with the Mudlbood. Draco looked up fully from his paper when he noticed Potter staring at him. Draco gave Potter a small-barely there nod, then looked back at his paper, not really seeing it. Draco felt the person beside him elbow him and he turned to see Blaise.

"Potter seems to be in a good mood today." Blaise said.

Draco looked over to the Gryffindor table to see that Potter had a happy smile on his face.

"I wonder why?" Blaise continued, "I mean, it doesn't look like Weasley is there."

At the mention of the Weasel, Draco couldn't help but remember his thoughts from last night. I bet he's smiling because he told the Mudblood and Weasel about my breakdown. Merlin. I bet Weasel isn't here because he is trying to control his laughter. I can't believe Potter would... Well I can believe it actually-. Malfoy didn't get to finish his thoughts though, because the Weasel walked in. Well, stormed in is more accurate, Draco thought. Draco didn't understand. Why isn't Weasel trying to conceal laughter? He's obviously really angry since he isn't that good of an actor... So what's happening? Draco was even more surprised when Weasel didn't sit with Potter or the Mudblood. So he's angry with Potter? How did that happen? Draco wasn't the only one questioning what was going on. It seemed like everyone in the Great Hall was talking about it.

Draco watched as Potter got more and more irritated with everyone. Suddenly, Potter got up and stormed out of the Great Hall. Draco was confused. Why did Potter get so angry at everyone? I thought he enjoyed the fame. Is it possible that Potter was telling the truth all these years? Did he truly hate being the Famous Harry Potter? Draco thought about all of this as he left the Great Hall and went to Potions. Apparently, he didn't know Potter as well as he'd thought.


Harry's POV:

Harry managed to get through potions until the very end when Snape said that he and Malfoy were to stay after class. Harry assumed it had to do with Narcissa, but he still groaned to make everyone else believe it was just him getting in trouble again.

At the end of class, everyone quickly filed out. Everyone except Malfoy and himself, that is. Harry watched as Ron got up, glared at him, and then brushed past him quickly. Harry sighed then made his way to Snape's desk.

Snape flicked his wand, effectively closing and locking the door and then sending a silencing charm so no one could listen in.

"So for once you are not in trouble, Potter," Snape began, "but we do have something to talk about very quickly."

"What is it Sev?" Malfoy asked.

"I have warned your mother, Draco"

"And?" Malfoy asked, concern evident in his voice.

"She will leave in four days. But she has packed an emergency bag already, in case she has to come early."


But where will she go? The portkey doesn't work until four days." Harry said, speaking for the first time.

"Narcissa has been given my address which is where she will go if necessary."

"And how are we ensuring your safety in all of this?" Harry asked Snape.

Harry could see the shock on his face from Harry's question. Obviously Snape was not expecting Harry to worry about his well-being. He must have thought that I only care about his ability to be a spy. Harry thought.

"Well, what do you mean exactly?" Snape asked, still looking dazed and confused.

"How are you going to be sure you won't be blamed for this?"

"Oh, well when she does come here, I'm going to be the one to tell Voldemort since she is going to be staying here and it would be odd if I didn't inform him right away."

"Alright," Harry said, "just be careful."

 Harry looked away from Snape's shocked expression to see Malfoy had the exact look on his face. Harry rolled his eyes then said to Snape, "Is that all, Professor?"

"Oh... Yeah... That's all. You two may leave now". Snape said, still looking a little shocked.

Harry watched Snape turn and go into his private rooms. Harry started for the door when Malfoy's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"What was that all about Potter?" Malfoy asked.

Harry faced Malfoy before answering. "Look, there's a lot we need to talk about. So I think that, once your mother is saved, we should get together to talk."

"Why can't we go talk before then?" Malfoy asked.

"Well we could," Harry began, "but no one could know so wherever we go, would have to be really private where no one could stumble upon us."

"Well," Malfoy said, "I don't share a room with anyone, so if you can sneak into the Slytherin Common Room, then we can talk there."

"You have your own room? How'd you manage that?"

"There was an uneven number of people so I could have either added another bed in one of the rooms, or get my own room. I opted for my own room." He replied.

"Okay," Harry said, "when should we meet?"

"How about tonight after dinner?"

"Yeah, that works. How will I get in the Common Room?"

"I'll wait outside for you" Malfoy answered.

"I'll see you after dinner, Malfoy" Harry said.

"See you then Potter."

Harry moved away from the blonde and left the Potions room to go to his next class. All the while, Harry could only think about what he would tell Malfoy and what Malfoy would hopefully tell him in return.

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