Chapter Twenty-Nine

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                Eventually, the two boys moved out of the comfortable embrace when they remembered that they had to get to their classes for that day. As they went through their daily routines, both boys could feel that there had been a dramatic change between them. Now, the casual touches or brushes of skin no longer felt so casual. Harry couldn't help but deliberately brush his hand against the blonde's at any given opportunity and he quickly noticed the blonde doing the same.

As their hands connected for the fourth time that morning, Harry boldly grabbed Draco's hand and squeezed lightly before letting go and walking out of the bedroom. Before he was gone however, he got to see the blonde smiling shyly after him.

Their classes went by extremely slowly that day as both boys wanted nothing more than to be back in their room. If asked what the professors had been teaching that day, they would definitely not have been able to answer, as all they could think about was the casual brushes of fingers or the way it had felt to be embraced by the other. Their whole day was a blur to them as they, very impatiently, waited for the day to be done.

Finally, their classes were finished and they escaped into their apartment as quickly as they could. Once there however, they were both unsure of what to do next. They simply stared at each other from across the room for a while, Harry starting to doubt and Draco just being plain nervous.

Eventually, Draco made his way slowly across the room towards Harry and took him by the hand gently. Then he gently pulled the other boy towards him, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and resting his head against Harry's shoulder. Slowly, the raven-haired boy responded by wrapping his arms around the blonde's neck and leaning his head against Draco's shoulder. There they stood for a long time, until their legs became too tired and they were forced to move towards the couch by their window.

Draco sat down on the couch and pulled Harry down with him so that the raven-haired teen was lying between the blonde's legs, resting his back against Draco's chest. They stayed like this for a while, simply enjoying the feeling of cuddling one another. They stayed this way as they watched the sunset out their window, Draco playing with Harry's eternally messy hair.

Both boys felt like they were in heaven. They hadn't realised how much they had wanted this until recently and they couldn't really believe that this was truly happening. Each cared so deeply for the other and wished they could stay in this moment forever.

They spoke very little to each other, having already told each other their deepest scars and finding they only loved the other more for them. They felt as if they had spoken enough and hadn't felt enough. So they did just that. They lay there until the sun had set and the stars were shining brightly through the few clouds that were in the sky.

Both felt no need to move from their position until Harry yawned. Draco then decided that it was time for them to go to bed and so they untangled themselves and got ready for bed. Once in their nightclothes, they moved over to the bed.

Draco got in first, lying flat on his back while Harry climbed in after him, lying on his side next to the blonde and resting his head on Draco's chest. There, Harry listened to the beating of Draco's heart, content for the moment, to lay like that for the rest of his life.

Suddenly, Harry noticed that Draco's heart seemed to beat a little bit faster. Curious, Harry looked up, finding that the blonde was looking down at Harry with a slight blush to his cheeks. Harry stopped before he said anything as he watched, transfixed, as Draco leaned towards Harry. Draco leaned closer and closer until their lips met, causing both boys' hearts to leap and skip a beat. They kissed for no longer than a minute, but both boys came up breathless. As their lips unlocked and they brought their heads away from each other slightly, neither could help the smile of absolute joy that appeared.

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