Chapter Twenty-Six

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The next day, he and Draco woke up late and were unable to talk about what had happened the night before. Harry had to admit that he was somewhat relieved about not having to say his feelings, however he knew that they should probably talk about it...

The teens spent the day in classes as per usual for a Monday, but they knew something was different today. Every time their hands would brush, or their eyes would meet, they both blushed and looked away. They spoke to each other and worked together like normal, but there was still that thing that was different. Now the boys felt a hope that the other could potentially like them back, so they were constantly trying to get proof or give subtle hints. Yet, both boys still had that bit of doubt which stopped them from just asking outright.

It was their last class, Potions, and Harry was determined to talk to Draco afterwards. His plan was thwarted however, when Snape called, "Mr. Potter, stay behind after class."

Harry sighed in disappointment but soon became curious as to what Snape wanted from him. As the students rushed out of class, Harry and Draco slowly packed up before stepping into Severus' private rooms.

"So what is this about?" Harry questioned.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten already?" at Harry's blank look, Severus sighed, "Does the Dragon Scale Potion ring any bells?"

"Oh, right! Of course... Sorry." He replied. He had been so preoccupied with his and Draco's feelings that he had completely forgotten about the potion he was to make, "So where are we making it?"

"I have my own private brewery of course. You'll be using it so that there won't be any others near the potion." Snape replied, "We wouldn't want them blowing up the potion by doing something stupid."

Harry smiled softly to himself, knowing that he had been one of those 'others' Snape was referring to only a short while ago.

"Here we are" Snape said after leading the teens down a short hallway.

He followed Severus through the doors and into an octagonal room with four decent-sized work tables in the centre. Right across from the doors was a huge fireplace that lit up most of the room. On the walls on either side of said fireplace, was shelves upon shelves of various potions ingredients. Harry turned to the walls next to the doors and saw that those shelves were almost completely full of already finished potions. The two walls in-between the ingredients and potions, were full of books on everything potion-related one could think of.

Harry inched around the room, thoroughly impressed by Snape's brewery. "Wow," Harry said, "this is amazing!"

"Indeed" Severus replied, "This is where you will be making your potion. I expect you to be here after classes, even if it's just to check up on it."

"Every day?" Draco asked quietly.

"Yes, it is a very delicate potion Harry will be attempting to brew and it will have to be monitored as much as possible since there are no instructions written out for him to follow."

Seeing the blonde's disappointment made Harry's heart flutter oddly as he realised that the blonde would miss him.

"Don't worry, you can stay most days Draco, I won't mind."

Draco smiled brilliantly at him in return, making Harry's heart miss a beat or two along the way.

"Unfortunately Draco," Severus said, "you cannot be here for the first few days as it will be very intense and Harry cannot afford the distraction."

Harry watched as the blonde's smile turned into a slight scowl before nodding in defeat.

"Alright, I get it." Draco replied reluctantly.

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