Chapter Two

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Harry walked into the library to find Ron and Hermione already at a table in the back. Harry hurried over to sit with them. Since they had taken so much time arguing over Malfoy, they only had half an hour until the library closes.

"So," Harry started to say, but was cut off by Ron saying,

"Want to explain yourself Harry?"

Harry sighed. He knew this was going to happen, but still, he had hoped he wouldn't be bombarded with questions just this once.

"Look Ron," Harry started, "we only have a half hour until we have to be back in the common room. So let's get our books and then we can talk later."

Ron didn't look terribly pleased, but Hermione, once realising they didn't have very much time said, "Oh goodness! Only a half hour Harry!? Oh no! Okay, Ron, you go get the book you needed for potions! And Harry, you go find those transfiguration books on the list I gave you because you really need to finish your essay! And I'll get the rest! Oh and don't go reading Quidditch Through The Ages again please! Honestly, it has nothing to do with any of your classes!"

Harry and Ron stood staring at her with wide eyes. Harry didn't think he had ever heard anyone speak so quickly in his whole life!

"Well?" Hermione said, "What are you waiting for? We don't have all day!"

With that, Harry left to find his books, not wanting to face Hermione's wrath.


The walk back to the common room had been awkward since no one talked to each other. But now, Harry wished he was back in the silence of the corridors so that he didn't have to be pestered by Ron.

"Look Harry," Ron started. Oh here we go. Harry thought to himself.

"I just don't understand!" Ron continued, "What happened back there?"

Harry sighed then started trying to explain, "Ron, Malfoy hasn't tried to fight with us, or anyone for that matter, all year! Plus, he wasn't even doing anything! You were just trying to make him fight you so you could get him in trouble!"

Ron looked shocked that Harry was defending Malfoy. He must have previously thought that Harry had just done it to get out of a fight.

"Honestly mate," Ron started again, "I think you've gone mental! This is Malfoy we're talking about! And weren't you saying just yesterday how Malfoy was up to something?"

Harry paused for a moment to think. Harry had, in fact, said that just yesterday.

"Okay, so I did say that" Harry began, "and I still believe he's up to something," Harry was about to continue but he was interrupted by Ron.

"Ha! So you agree with me! So why did you defend Malfoy?"

Harry looked over to Hermione for help, but she just gave him a small smile, clearly telling him that he was on his own for this one.

"Ron, would you let me finish my thought please?"

When he saw that Ron wasn't going to keep talking, Harry continued. "Just because he's up to something, it doesn't mean you can go around picking fights with him for no reason. Whatever it is he obviously doesn't want to do it! I mean, have you seen him at all this year?"

"Harry's right!" Hermione said, having finally decided to step in, "Malfoy's hardly been sleeping and he looks terrified of everything! It's as if he thinks Voldemort himself will appear at any moment. And honestly Ron, it's just a name! Get over it!" She finished after having seen Ron flinch because she had said 'Voldemort'.

"You know Harry," Ron said sounding angry, "I expected Hermione to go against me in this. But you? I thought you of all people would have my back in this!"

Harry opened his mouth to reply, but was quickly cut off by Ron, "No Harry," he said, "let's just drop it. I'm going to bed."

With that said, he left up the stairs towards his room.

Harry watched Ron go up the stairs. Harry was startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Hermione standing beside him watching him intently.

"You did the right thing back there Harry." she said. "Besides, Ron will calm down and forget all of this ever even happened."

Harry knew she was right. Ron always got over these things. But this was the first time Harry had truly gone against Ron.

Harry sighed and said, "I know 'Mione. I just wish he could understand you know? I mean, I get that Malfoy is up to something. But it's obvious he doesn't want to be a part of it."

Hermione looked at Harry for a little bit with a confused look on her face before saying, "I'm surprised you noticed that Harry. I mean, you've always just sort of assumed the worst when it comes to Malfoy. What changed?"

Harry looked up at Hermione and then back to the staircase, "Malfoy's changed." Harry began, "He's just different this year. I dunno... I just think that he needs help. I don't know if he'll accept it though."

Harry looked back up at Hermione once he had finished. She almost looked as if she were tearing up.

"Well," she said, 'it couldn't hurt to try."

"Yeah, I guess you're right 'Mione. I'll try and think of a way to confront him."

At that, Harry got up to make his way to the stairs. He was already going up the stairs when Hermione's voice stopped him.

"And Harry? I'm really proud of you, you know. You're a good person."

Harry smiled down at her. "Thanks 'Mione" he said.

He then turned around and went up the stairs to the room he shared with Ron, Neville, and Dean. He lay in his bed for an hour trying to think of how to confront Malfoy when he eventually fell asleep, no closer to a solution than he was when he first started.

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