Chapter Five

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As he had expected, when Harry got back to the Common Room, he found Ron and Hermione waiting for him with concerned looks on their faces. Hermione was the first to see Harry and she rushed over to him from where she was sitting. "We were so worried!" She said, "We had no idea where you had gone and when you didn't show up at curfew... Well, we didn't know what to think, but we didn't think it could be anything good."

As Hermione had been speaking, Ron had gotten up from his position on the couch and now stood behind Hermione. "Harry," Ron started, "are you okay? What kept you out so late?"

Harry looked between his two best friends and wondered if he should tell them about Malfoy. Harry sighed, realizing that he would have to tell them because he was a terrible liar and they wouldn't believe anything he could make up. "I was with Malfoy" He said at last.

"What!?" Ron interrupted. "What were you doing with Malfoy?"

"Ron, shush" Hermione said, "let him finish."

"Thanks 'Mione." Harry said, thankful that she had gotten Ron to shut up. "So just hear me out until the end, okay?" When both Ron and Hermione did nothing but nod in agreement, Harry went on. "So, I was just mindlessly walking around when I found Malfoy in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom-"

"What was he doing in there?" Hermione asked.

Harry all of a sudden didn't want to tell his best friends about Malfoy crying. Harry felt that it was something Malfoy wouldn't even want his best friends to see, let alone his enemies. Former enemies, Harry reminded himself, Malfoy is on our side now.

Harry realized that Hermione was waiting for an answer, so Harry told them the story, while being sure to take out the part where Malfoy cried. "Well, I overheard him talking to Myrtle. He was saying how he didn't want to do the task he was given, but how he had no choice. Then he realized I was standing there and he drew his wand."

Harry heard Hermione gasp so he looked at her and saw that she was staring at him in horror. "Oh no, Harry!" She began, sounding almost frantic, "He didn't hex you did he? Is that why you were gone so long?"

"No 'Mione, I didn't get hexed"

Ron decided to jump into the conversation next. "So you hexed him? Way to go Harry!"

"No!" Harry said, getting quite frustrated now. "No one hexed anyone! Now would the both of you be quiet so I can finish?"

"Sorry Harry." Hermione said. She promptly elbowed Ron, telling him to apologize too.

"Yeah," Ron said, "sorry."

"Okay," Harry said, "now where was I? Oh, right. Well he pulled out his wand and so did I. But I now knew that Malfoy didn't want to hurt anybody or even be a Death Eater. And I realized then that he needed my help. He needed someone to give him a choice. So I gave him that choice. And so after a little while of talking, we went to Dumbledore to sort things out. Snape is going to warn Narcissa and get her out of Malfoy Manor and into Hogwarts to keep her safe."

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