Chapter Twenty-Three

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Harry's POV:

       Darkness, that's the only thing he knew. He reached out to get his bearings, but his hands quickly met solid wall. He was confused until he went to feel the roof. That was when it all clicked in. No! Merlin No! I can't be here right now! I don't want to be here! He thought somewhat hysterically. His thoughts were cut off abruptly when he heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Boy!" his Uncle bellowed, "Where are you? Why isn't my breakfast made for me already?"

       Harry cleared his throat quietly before replying hesitantly, "You locked the cupboard again..."

"That's no excuse, boy!" Vernon replied once he had unlocked and opened the cupboard door.

"What, would you have preferred I use magic?" he thoughtlessly said, only realising his mistake after it was too late.

"What did you say, boy?" Vernon said, deadly calm.

"I-I mean... I... Um... I'm sorry."

"Oh, you will be..."

       Vernon grabbed him roughly by the hair and pulled him to the upstairs bathroom. Already knowing what was to come, Harry took his shirt off and stood in the bathtub, shaking terribly. Harry kept his back to his Uncle, not wanting to see what the punishment would be this time. He also didn't want to see the look of obvious glee that he knew was on Vernon's face.

"So... Why are you being punished, boy?" Vernon spat, obviously having chosen his method of punishment.

"B-because I-I said the 'M' w-word" he replied quickly, waiting for the oncoming blow.

"Exactly... and why is the 'M' word a bad word?"

"B-because it reminds y-you of the-the Freak I am..."

"Fine" Vernon said, "Now Freak, here's your punishment."

       Harry heard something hit the floor and he immediately recognised the sound. Before he could move to prepare himself, he heard the whip being swung. He heard the crack of the whip on his back before he actually felt it.

       After being hit five times, Vernon decided to stop, much to Harry's relief. Harry refused to show any emotion and simply stared at the wall as the blood continued to pour from his back.

"Clean up this mess, boy." Vernon spat before shutting the door, finally leaving Harry alone.

       Once he heard Vernon's footsteps fade, he collapsed into the tub, finally allowing himself to cry silently from pain and frustration. Why? He wondered, Why me?

'Because you're a Freak...' his subconscious supplied, unhelpfully.

       Harry awoke abruptly, tears flowing steadily with no intention of stopping.

Draco's POV:

       Draco woke to the sound of Harry's sheets rustling and the slight creak of the floorboards. 

"What're ye doin'?" he mumbled, still half asleep.

"Nothin'... Um, just... getting some water..." the other boy replied.

"Are you okay Harry?" Draco asked, now fully awake.

       There's obviously something wrong he thought, it sounds like he's been crying.

"No... I-I'm fine." Harry replied unconvincingly.

"No Harry, you're not." He said quietly, "Look, you don't have to tell me, okay? Not yet anyway."

"Really?" the teen asked tentatively.

"Yeah, just tell me when you're ready, okay?"

"Thanks, Draco"

"Anytime Harry"

"Umm... Draco?" the raven-haired teen questioned.

"Yes?" he responded, curious as to what the other boy wanted.

"Could... Could I... I mean, you don't have to, but..." Harry stuttered.

"Yes Harry, you can sleep in my bed tonight," Draco said with a grin.

"Thanks... Again." Harry said as he climbed into bed beside Draco.

"No problem" he replied, turning to take the teen into his arms. Immediately after he did so, Harry put his arms around Draco too and soon, they were both asleep once again.

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