Chapter Thirteen

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Harry walked out of the Hospital Wing, still blushing from having Narcissa see Malfoy and him holding hands. He walked at a steady pace to go to Dumbledore's office. Right before he got to the Gargoyles, he was stopped.

"Mr. Potter, what are you doing away from Draco?" Harry turned to find Snape standing behind him.

"Oh, I'm just heading to see the Head Master to talk to him about something important." Harry responded.

"I thought you weren't going to leave his side..."

"Well he woke up a little while ago so we talked and he told me everything that has happened to him."

"So he's awake and you left him alone? After everything he's been through?" Snape said angrily.

"Relax Sir! I didn't leave until Narcissa got there!" Harry said defensively.

"Oh, okay... Sorry, I just..." Snape said, obviously struggling to find the right words.

"It's okay, Sir. I get it... You just care for him." Harry said quietly.

"Yes, well... Anyways," Snape began, trying to change the subject, "what exactly happened to Draco?"

"Look, I'm about to tell that to Dumbledore right now so why don't you join us?" Harry offered.

Snape looked a little surprised that Harry would let him in on the conversation, but he nodded his head before saying, "After you, Mr. Potter."

"I don't know the password, Sir." Harry said.

Snape smirked at this. "Honestly Potter," he said, "do you ever think things through?"

Harry blushed but he knew that his professor was only joking.

"Lucky for you," Snape continued, "Dumbledore has changed the way the Gargoyles work. Now, instead of passwords, they step aside for Magical Signatures."

"Oh," Harry said, understanding, "so then it goes by who you are rather than if you know the password... That's smart because anyone can find out the password if they try hard enough, but no one can copy your Magical Signature!"

"That's... actually correct..." Snape said, sounding amazed. Harry knew that Snape had not expected him to understand what Magical Signatures were let alone know so much about them and why they were beneficial.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Honestly!" he said. "I do read you know! Just because I'm not great at Potions, doesn't mean I'm terrible at everything else!"

Having said that, Harry turned and walked past the Gargoyles, who had stepped aside for him. He heard Snape following him so he kept going. When he reached the door to Dumbledore's office with Snape close behind, Harry knocked and waited for a reply.

"Enter." Dumbledore said as the door opened by itself. "Ah, Harry, Severus! To what do I owe this pleasure?" the Head Master asked.

"I have something important I need to discuss with you Sir." Harry said, sitting in one of the chairs across from Dumbledore.

"I see... And why, may I ask, are you here Severus?"

"I am here," Snape answered, "because whatever this is about, involves Draco in some way."

"Well alright then." Dumbledore said, now turning back to Harry, "How about you tell us why you are here."

"I need you to give Hogwarts permission to construct a new Tower for Malfoy, myself, Hermione, Blaise, Pansy and Theo to live in." Harry said, deciding to get right to the point.

Dumbledore and Snape both looked completely shocked.

"Well, why?" Dumbledore finally asked.

"Because Malfoy can't go back to living in his room or even anywhere near the Slytherin Common Room."

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