Chapter Nineteen

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Harry, much to his surprise, woke up before Draco the next morning. He went to go and wake up the blonde but once he saw the other boy, he decided to let him sleep a little longer.

The blonde, Harry noticed, looked as if he had hardly slept at all last night. He had dark circles around his eyes and even in sleep, he looked tired. Harry left the other boy in peace and went to shower and start getting ready.

After he showered and got dressed, he decided to wake Draco up.

"Draco," Harry said softly. When that didn't work, he got louder and louder. Eventually, he just climbed onto the bed beside the blonde and shook him awake.

"What?" Draco mumbles irritably, still facing away from Harry.

"You need to get up Draco, we have classes today."

The blonde turned over to look at Harry, ending up nearly nose to nose with Harry, "I don' wanna" he mumbled before closing his eyes again and putting his head on Harry's arm.

Harry watched for a second as the blonde fell asleep against him. He found himself smiling, which confused him a little so he focused on waking Draco up once again.

"Come on Draco," He said as he lay down next to the blonde so as to be comfortable, "you seriously need to get up."

"Mmhmm" Draco mumbled before the blonde moved closer to Harry and put his arm lightly around Harry's waist.

Harry stiffened for a moment in surprised before unconsciously relaxing. He sighed and tried to come up with a way to get the boy who was currently holding him, to get up. What Harry didn't realise was that while he had been thinking, he had unconsciously been running his hands through the blonde's hair. He only realised what he was doing when Draco sighed contentedly and leaned into his hand.

What am I doing? Harry thought, Why did I do that? And did Draco like it? Harry wondered, looking at the blonde laying in his arms. Even how we're laying... I didn't even notice until now! Shouldn't I be grossed out or even uncomfortable? To say he was confused would be an understatement. And Draco... He must like it, right? I mean... No, not necessarily, Harry thought, he's asleep, he doesn't know it's me... He'd probably be grossed out... For a reason he couldn't comprehend, that last thought saddened Harry greatly.

Casting a tempus charm, Harry realised that he really did need to get the blonde up, otherwise they'd miss breakfast.

"Okay Draco, you need to get up... Now. Or you'll be late."

"I said I don' wanna" Draco mumbled quietly once again.

"Look, as much as I'd love to have my arm crushed by your head, I kind of need it for classes so..." he said teasingly.

The blonde snapped his eyes open and blushed a rather dark shade of red when he realised he was, in fact, using Harry as a pillow.

"Sorry," he said as he quickly got up.

Harry watched as the blonde cast a tempus charm, gave a surprised squeak, and then rushed into the bathroom to get ready. He gave a little smile and got both of their bags ready so they could leave for breakfast once Draco finished getting ready.


Draco's POV:

I'm so stupid! Draco thought as he got dressed after his shower. How could I do that? Harry's going to think I like him for sure now... Merlin, why couldn't I have woken up first?

He looked himself over in the mirror and saw the dark bags under his eyes. He sighed to himself before styling his hair like usual. If the rest of me is going to look like shit, then my hair at least has to look good. He thought. After a few minutes, however, he huffed in frustration and decided to just leave it. It's obviously not going to work anyways, he decided, finally giving up.

He walked out of the bathroom and found Harry had already gotten their bags in order.

"You okay Draco?" the other boy asked.

"Just tired..." Draco responded. Why do we have to go to class today? He wondered.

Draco watched as Harry moved closer to him and took out his wand. The raven-haired teen spoke a few spells Draco had never heard before and then conjured a mirror so Draco could see his own reflection. He was surprised to find that he looked like he normally did when he'd go to classes. Well, except his hair was still a mess.

"Why?" he wondered. Why in the world would Harry glamour him?

"I figured you would want to look put together and like yourself when you face the school," Harry said with a shrug.

How does he do that? Draco questioned, How does he always seem to know what I need before I even do?

"Thanks," he said with a smile.

Harry returned the smile with a breathtaking one for a moment before he frowned.

"Just one more thing," Harry said.

Draco stood extremely still as Harry seemed to be getting closer and closer. The other boy stopped and stood right in front of him. He watched as Harry silently and with a look of concentration, started running his fingers through Draco's messy hair. Draco closed his eyes and tried to keep his breathing even.

Merlin, Draco thought, does he know what he's doing to me right now? First this morning and now this. He opened his eyes as Harry had finished. He noticed that Harry was blushing faintly but decided not to think about it too much, lest he were to get his hopes up. He's probably just embarrassed because he had gotten so close and he didn't want to give me the wrong impression, he concluded.

"There, now you look perfect," Harry said.

"Perfect, huh?" Draco said with a huge smile.

To his surprise, the other boy blushed again. "Yeah... Anyways, we should go eat something before class."

"After you," Draco said after having gotten his bag from Harry.

Together, the two boys made their way down to breakfast to face the other students.

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