Chapter Thirty-One

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Harry walked briskly towards the infirmary, desperately seeking out Draco. Between giving McGonagall the entire story and having Nagini speak to him, his brain nor had his heart had the time to really contemplate what had happened to Draco. Now that he found himself walking the corridors alone, he couldn't help but think about the blonde, causing him to speed up dramatically until he was nearly running.

He stopped dead at the doors to the infirmary however, finding he needed to take a deep breath to calm himself before facing whatever was waiting for him behind the large double doors. Harry chastised himself for all of the terrible thoughts that was going through his head about what could have happened to Draco since he last saw him. He had treated the blonde himself and knew that Draco's wounds, while still awfully painful, wouldn't cause any permanent damage. Once he repeated that to himself once or twice, Harry finally walked into the room, finding Pomfrey to be putting away potions bottles.

"Ah, Harry dear!" Pomfrey started after turning to find him starting to sit by the blonde's bed, "I've finished treating him and he'll be fine. He might need to stay in bed for a few days due to some internal damage, but other than that, he's fine."

Harry let out the breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding in. He'll be fine, he'll be fine, he'll be fine... He repeated over and over in his head until he could finally relax a little into his chair.

"When will he wake up?" Harry questioned quietly, as if afraid that the blonde would wake up just by hearing his voice.

Pomfrey seemed to think for a minute, giving Harry a calculated stare as she did so.

"He'll no doubt be awake by tomorrow evening at the latest." She said before frowning, "Harry dear, have you any injuries?"

Harry started as the medi-witch started to bustle towards him. He was sure he hadn't gotten any, he couldn't imagine what he must look like for the woman to assume that he was injured. He let the witch give him a thorough exam in silence. Apparently she found nothing, as she moved away from him with a huff.

"Well," she said, "there's nothing physically wrong with you, though you look like you haven't slept in years."

"Feels like it too." Harry replied, realising just how true his statement was. While he worked out enough to not be physically tired from the fight, he was emotionally exhausted from everything that had happened that night.

"Well, you know where I'll be if you need me." Pomfrey stated before leaving to her private rooms that were connected to the infirmary.

Harry looked over at Draco and truly studied him. He noticed that the blonde looked extremely pale and had a sheen of sweat on his forehead, but most of the scars had vanished. He sighed in relief at that. While he would have found Draco beautiful no matter how scarred he was, he knew the blonde would have felt insecure about it right away. After all, he knew what it was like to have scars from one's 'family'.

Harry frowned at that. He wished that Draco didn't have to go through that tonight. It was one thing to be fighting random people, but to have to fight and be tortured by a family member, must have been a nightmare. No matter how terrible a person Lucius was, he's still Draco's father in at least one sense of the word.

He was about to contemplate Draco some more when he was interrupted by the doors opening. Immediately, Harry was on his feet with his wand in hand. He breathed a sigh of relief as he recognized the figure in the doorway to be none other than Severus Snape. He nodded curtly towards the Potions professor before conjuring a chair in front of his own next to the blonde's bed.

Severus nodded curtly back before gracefully taking a seat and studying Harry intently. Harry sighed internally, knowing that the Potions Master would no doubt comment on his appearance. He wasn't disappointed.

"I know that you couldn't possibly be this tired from that fight, so I must assume that you're tired for another reason altogether." Snape said, looking pointedly between Harry and the sleeping Draco.

Harry sighed, of course Severus wouldn't just leave it alone. "I will admit that the emotional aspect seems to be hitting me much harder than I could have anticipated..." Harry finally admitted.

He watched as the professor seemed to think it over while looking towards the blonde. Eventually, Severus nodded to himself as if he had made a decision.

"If Voldemort finds out..." Severus trailed off.

"He'll most definitely use it against me. I'm afraid he may already know..." he said, eyes downcast.

"Do not even contemplate it Harry James Potter!" Severus nearly hissed, startling the brunette from his thoughts.

He had been thinking that perhaps his fight with the blonde had been a good thing. That maybe the only way to properly protect Draco, is to distance himself from him as much as possible. Obvious Snape had caught on to his thoughts to some degree and thought it to be a terrible idea. So instead of answering the professor right away, he decided to really think about it for as long as he needed to. It seemed that the Potions Master was more than willing to wait, as he had settled into his chair to get comfortable.

"You're right..." Harry finally stated.

"I usually am, however I haven't even said anything yet." Snape said with a slight smirk.

"I could guess what you were thinking." Harry said with an eye roll, "Leaving Draco would be the worst idea I could have ever had, no matter how good my intentions are. I would be too distracted without him. Besides, no one can protect him better than I could. No offense Severus."

"None taken, it is the truth after all." Sev said with a small smile, "You are forgetting however, how Voldemort has tried to take everything away from you. Do not let him take your happiness as well Harry." Severus said the last part so softly, that Harry had to briefly wonder if it was truly the Potions Master sitting in front of him and not someone else.

"You're right..." Harry repeated from earlier, finding nothing else in particular to say. He looked towards the blonde and grabbed his hand before saying, "He is my happiness: He's my everything..." He was just as shocked as Sev seemed to be at Harry's proclamation.

Severus seemed to decide that his job was complete, as he stood up and vanished the chair he had been sitting in previously.

He gave Harry one last calculating look before saying one last thing, "You know, Draco really does like you, I wouldn't be surprised if he even loved you... Just, let him know you love him too, Harry... Trust me, you don't want to lose him without having even told him how you feel."

Harry watched in silence as Severus walked out of the infirmary. He knew Sev had been talking about how he hadn't told Lily of his love for her before she had passed. He thought about Draco dying without Harry having even said half the things he felt it necessary the blonde knew. Like how beautiful he is and how he has the nicest hair and greatest eyes and how he was the first person to make Harry feel like he really and truly mattered for something other than being the 'Chosen One'.

Hewanted to tell the blonde how he wanted to run his hands through the platinumhair every day and how he wanted nothing more than to wake up to find Dracostaring back at him. He wanted to tell him that he couldn't possibly beexpected to lead a happy life without the other boy and most of all... He wantedto tell him he loved him...    

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