Chapter 19

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"Well what am I supposed to do?" I screamed. "My mom is an alcoholic who's been lying to me! I have no other family to go to!" I started to cry. "What am I gonna do?" I was sobbing at this point.

Hunter came up and wrapped his strong arms around me holding me close. I could hear the streaky rhythm of his heart beating. It was relaxing to say the least.

"Just keep holding on Adeline," he released me from the hug and put both hands on both of my cheeks. "You're going to be ok. We're going to be ok." He said.

"But my surgery is tomorrow and... and-" my sobbing over took before I could finish.

"And everything is going to be ok!" He told me.

I nodded. He wrapped his arms back around me. The next thing I remember is just pure blackness.


beep beep. beep beep.

"Come on we have to hurry!" Someone screamed in the distant.

beep beep. beep beep.

"Doctor!! It's an emergency!!"

beep beep. beep beep.

"We have to do her surgery now!"

beep beep. beep beep.

I couldn't open my eyes. My whole body felt like a tiny piece of delicate string on fire.

beep. beep. beep. beep

"Honey I need you to hold on! Just stay with us!"

then the beeping became rapid. and I sharp pain went into my arm.

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