Chapter 18

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Adeline's pov:

the absolute last person I wanted to see. with her perky attitude and starbucks cafe style came in no other then my mom.

"hey honey! I came to tell u tha-" she stopped before she could finish.

"oh... hey Hunter!" she says going to reach out for Hunter to hug him.

Hunter stepped back and so did I.

My mom gave us puzzled looks.

"What's wrong?" She asked all confused. Oh how innocent. I may actually believe her if I didn't know the truth.

"What's wrong? How could you ask what's wrong?! You know exactly what you did mom!" I yelled back.

"What did I do?!" She asked. She was still acting all confused.

"Oh please. I read those emails and I know exactly what you were up!" I was angrier then I had ever been with my mom.

My mom's faces turned from a confused look to a very sorrowful look.

"Adeline I-" I cut her off.

"Mom don't!" I spit back.

I looked back up at Hunter who had a very shocked expression on his face form the way I spoke to my mom.

My mom was still blank. I didn't know what to say back. I walked right past my mom and to the door. nobody came after me.


Hunters pov

Adeline walked right out of the room and i knew exactly where she was going. the roof.

I looked back at Ms. Smith.

"Hunter I-" she began.

"Ms. Smith, Adeline read those emails. She knows how you betrayed her. There's nothing you can say back." I spoke as softly as I could but it's hard to be nice to someone who's done something so wrong.

"I know," she looked down at her feet. I saw the grief in her eyes. No one could deny it.

"She going to hate me forever now?" She looked back up and asked me.

"That's not my place to say," I spoke back.

"I just wanted her to have a friend. I wanted her to feel emotions before she was taken away you know?"

"Taken away?" I asked. My eyebrows furrowed together.

"You and I both know she probably won't make it through her surgery. Her body just won't be able to take it. I had high hopes for her, I really did. But she just got weaker and weaker. She thinks she's strong, but not enough for this."

I was disgusted.

"You are the most awful person I've ever met! Your daughter is fighting for her life and you've already given up on her!?"

"Doesn't really matter anyways," she said back looking at her nails.

"What do you mean??" I asked.

"I'm not her real mom, only her aunt. All those stories ab her life are just made up and I'm tired of playing mom for all these years. I could care less about what happens to Adeline. So I act like I care which is part of the reason I hired you to do it for me."

"Your joking!" I yelled at her.

Her mom shook her head.

"Now why would I lie about that?" She asked pulling a cigarette out of her pocket.

"This can't be real," I sat down on Adeline's bed with my head in my hands.

"Oh sweetie but it is," she said coming over and laying a hand on my shoulder and that's when I smelled the alcohol stench radiating off of her.


hey guys!!1!!1
so guess who updated!?
I hope you guys are enjoying this story it's almost over 😭
but don't worry I got big things planned
ok I love u guys sm!!
thanks 🌸

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