chapter 6

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so in this chapter Adeline and Olivia skype:
Adeline= 🌌
Olivia= 🔮
It was the next day and I was still stoked ab me getting to go to Magcon. Oh my gosh I have to tell Olivia.

"Hey mom," I said
"Yeah sweetie?" She said back
"Can you hand me my laptop?" I asked
"Yeah," she walked over and handed me my laptop. "Thanks," I said and she smiled walking back to her window.

I logged into my laptop and went to Skype. I clicked on Olivia's contact and it started ringing. She answered within 4 rings.

🔮= oh my gosh Adeline hi!
🌌= hey!!
🔮= ur still alive , still breathing good good good

I laughed. My mom got up and said, "I'm gonna go to the cafeteria and read my book," I nodded. She was just trying to give me privacy.

🔮= how've you been? I guess you've been good I mean ur not dead
🌌= *laughs* well I've been good actually great
🔮= how's the hospital
🌌= hell. I'm just kidding it's been ok. I've been walking a lot. I'm aloud to get up and use the bathroom now
🔮= well it's always great when u can do that

I smiled. Olivia was so pretty. She was always the girl that always had a boyfriend. She could pull of any outfit that u threw in her face. She had long blonde hair and big blue eyes. She had glowing skin and every guy fell head over heals for her. She had a great personality too and a sense of humor that no one could deny.

🌌= I have the best news.
🌌= I wish but no. Something better
🔮= what?
🌌= my mom got me Magcon tickets!!!!
🔮= no she didn't
🌌= yes she did
🌌= *i smiled*
🌌= ok I will
🔮= I can't believe that ur getting to go!! Is it from make a wish or something.
🌌= no it's from my moms wallet
I heard Olivia's mom yelling at her in the background.
🔮= awe shoot! I forgot to wash dishes. Gtg love u Adeline!

I clicked off of skype and looked at my home screen. It was a pic of me and Olivia before any of the hospital crap happened. It was us sitting in a hammock holding hands. (pic above) That was one of my last times with her before I got put in the hospital.


"We need to take a picture before we go to Connor's," Olivia said. Our good friend Connor was having a super lit party that night and almost the whole school would be there.
"Why?" I laughed.
"Because your looking extra cute in that crop top and probably be all tangled up with someone and ur hair is going to look like a ratchet mess," Olivia said it all sassy.
I laughed. "Well ok and were 15 I don't think I'm going to get 'tangled up' with someone," I said.
"Well you never know," she said with a wink. She changed subjects, "Come on let's go to the hammock!" Olivia squealed. "
"Hey Janie!" Janie was Olivia's younger sister. "Yeah?" Janie replied.
"Come down here and take a picture of Adeline and I," Janie came down the stairs and followed us to the hammock.
Me and Olivia got in position and Janie took the picture. We got up and looked at it and was very satisfied. "Uggh can I go in now?" Janie asked very annoyed. "Yeah go," Olivia said. Me and Olivia were editing our picture when her mom called from the doorway. "Are y'all still going to Connors?" Her mom yelled. "We're coming," Olivia yelled back.

*end of flashback*

If only I could go back to then.

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