chapter 14

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I've decided to continue the story but the rest of the chapters are gonna suck so be prepared 😂


my surgery is in 2 weeks... yay. the doctors kept feeding my body fluids, prepping my body for surgery, but my body decided to stop taking the fluids.

so now they are trying to find new fluids to give to my body. so until then I can walk around the hospital all I want.

I decided to take the elevator down to the floor where all the newborn babies were.

It's amazing to think that these babies determine what their children will look like and their children and their children.
Just think that a babies great great great great grandchildren wouldn't be there if its great great great great grandpa hadn't been born.

the little babies have so much ahead of them and there just a little ity bity piece of  the bud puzzle that makes up the world.

I started to make my way back to my room bc I was getting tired and I left my phone in the room.

I stepped out of the elevator and turned the corner. The whole ceilings were covered with paintings of kids before they had major surgery. My personal favorite was the Cheshire Cat one which was drawn by an 8 year old girl who had open heart surgery.

As I was making my way back to my room I noticed a figure standing by the doorway. I wasn't sure who it was but as I got closer I started to make out the face.

Is it?? No it couldn't be. But it kind of looks like him! I decided just to ask.

"Hunter Rowland?" I ask.

He turns and looks at me and flashes a smile.

"Adeline!" He yells. He comes walking over to me extending his arms wide open.

He wraps me up tightly. I'm so confused, why is here?

"Uh- hey Hunter," I say during the hug. I pull away and look up at him. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just visiting some of the supporters here in the hospital," he says putting his hands in his back pockets.

"There's supporters here?" I ask.

"Yeah all kinds. Ever since we've visited you more supporters have wanted me to come." He says. He runs his fingers through is hair and smiles.

"Oh ok, " I say. I start making my way to my room, Hunter staying beside me.

"Do you want to come in?" I ask turning the door handle.

"Sure but only for a sec," he says. He follows behind me as we enter the room.

I look at the bed and see all the wires that I have to be hooked up to. Shoot, I don't know how to hook myself up.

"Umm..." I say.
"Can you got me a nurse?"
"Yeah of course," he says and swiftly was out.

I quickly hurry into the bathroom and look in the mirror. Ew I look disgusting.

I quickly apply to some light concealer under my dark eyes and a quick layer of mascara. I pinch my cheeks so they'll have color.

I step out to see Hunter and a nurse standing by my bed.

I smile and quickly lay down on the bed. The nurse hooks me up. Sticking IVs in me and hitting buttons.

Soon, she finally finished and it's just Hunter and I, again.

"So how've you been?" He ask sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Pretty good, my surgery is coming up," I say.

"Are you nervous," Hunter abruptly ask.

"A little bit," I answer back.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, your strong," he smiles.

I smile back at him.

"Did you ever open that box i gave you?" I can tell he's nervous and I don't know why. I'm nervous Bc hello? I'm sitting next to Hunter Rowland!

"Yeah I loved it! That was so thoughtful of you guys!" I say.

He smiles and nods.

We sit there in awkward silence for what feels like forever until he finally stands up and says, "I'm sorry I gotta go my mom is probably getting worried ab me, I'll catch you later!" Hunter says standing up.

"Ok bye," I say giving me a soft smile.

Hunter's POV:

what she doesn't know is that I didn't come to see supporters, I came to see her.

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