chapter 15

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this chapter is just really simple and flows really well and just like the vibe idk

Adeline's pov

hunter came back the very next day. i still felt like I was in a dream because Hunter Rowland was visiting me just because he genuinely wanted to.

we weren't even trying but the conversations just flowed. we were talking as if we had known each other for years.

he told me about his life. I told him about my life. he found my hospital story interesting and he didn't try to feel sorry for me. he acted as if it was the most normal thing in the world which was odd but I liked it.

I loved how when he started to talk ab something he was passionate about he would talk really fast and stutter. he would grin randomly which made me go all heart eyes.

I didn't see him anymore as a famous social media star I actually saw him for him. I saw the real him. The one you can't see in his younows or Instagram photos.

we had talked ab everything from favorites to life stories to what we want to do in the future.

he told me he enjoys singing. I was shocked bc with his looks he could easily be a model.

I told him something that I don't think I had ever told anyone else. I told him that i enjoyed photography. I showed him some pictures I had taken around the hospital.

There was pictures of the newborns, hallways, window views, and other things. he was amazed. he said I took something so normal and made it look like a masterpiece.

I was showing him pictures on my laptop when he told me to stop.

"Where's that taken at?"
"Nowhere," I lie.
"No, wait is that the roof?"

I nod.

"I'm not supposed to be up there but the sunrises are beautiful," I say.

"Take me."


we went through all 43 flights of stairs to the roof and finally we made it.

I didn't realize it was getting so late and the sunset was already starting. We had talked so long back in the room and I hadn't even noticed it.

We both were on the roof and all we could see was building and building ahead of us. Nothing but concrete and busy lives.

"Its all pointless," I speak up and say after a while of silence.

"What do u mean?"

"All our lives our pointless except for the ones that matter and you only matter if the world wants you to matter,"

he stares at me.

"I don't think the world wants me to matter." I say.

"You do matter, to a lot of people," he says.


"Your mom,"

"I bet she wishes I wasn't here,"

"The hospital,"

"They only care ab their paychecks,"

"Your family,"

"I don't know of any family besides my mom,"


I look at him. I realize he's gotten closer to me. He's only a foot away.

"Your gonna go back home soon and I forget about me," I say breaking eye contact with him.

"No I won't,"

"How can I believe you?"

"Because I can't forget about you after I do this,"

He steps closer to me. He places his large hand on my cheek sending chill bumps throughout my body. I freeze. He comes closer and closer until I feel our lips touch.

all the cells inside my body explode and I'm caught up in the moment.

I can feel the passion in him and I can't resist. I place my hand on the back of his neck and our lips move in sync.

it's perfect. we're on a roof. it's sunset. it's my first kiss. I couldn't ask for anything more.

he slowly pulls away. he has a stunned look on his face and so do I.

"Was that your first kiss?" He ask.

I messed it up.

I nod looking down.

"You were amazing," he says.

I look up to see him grinning. I smile.

"I don't care if you become the most famous person in the world, just promise me you won't forget ab me,"

He grabs my hands. He looks me dead in the eyes. My stomach churns.

"Adeline Smith, I promise."

this chapter was cheesy and whatever and I m sorry if there relationship is going too fast but we all saw it coming 🌸

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