chapter 1

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(Adeline's p.o.v)
When I blew my candles on my 15th birthday I wished for something new, a change. This is not what i imagined. Ive been living in a hospital for the past 3 weeks bc my lungs suck at being lungs. It's not bc of cancer or anything, the doctors don't even know what's wrong with me. They say it's a miracle I'm still alive. For the past few days I've been in something like a coma but it's bc I can't breath. Let me explain: when humans sleep their breathing rate slows down that's what I've been doing but I'm only breathing at 2%. I'm kind of like an astronaut where I have a oxygen tank and it gives me oxygen until it gets too low and runs out of oxygen and then u die except I have a oxygen tank but my lungs won't use the oxygen it provides. Since I've bee breathing at 2% the last few days I've basically just been in a coma like sleep. The doctors don't know how I'm alive. We all think I'm going to die soon but we don't know. My body keeps fighting but it also keeps slowing down.

(Adeline's mom p.o.v)
Shes been sleeping for the last few days and the doctors don't know why. I'm an emotional wreck and don't know what to do. When I brought Adeline into this world I promised myself and I would protect her and give her everything she ever wanted. I feel like I broke a promise to myself. "Ms. Smith?" I turned around a saw the doctor. "A moment please?" I walked over to the doctor and stepped outside the door. "So Adeline is still barely breathing but we don't know how she's still alive." I nodded. "We honestly don't know how much longer she has," My eyes started watering up. "We've known this was coming and now she's only breathing at 2% if it gets to 1% we may just take her oxygen tank off and let her... fall asleep." I was crying now. "No you can't do that, Adeline will get through this. This is just an obstacle that she will overcome." I said. "Ma'm I'm afraid its not that simple. Just remember if it dose get to 1% we will take some actions." With that the doctor walked away. I stepped back into Adeline's room and watched her. I sat down beside her grabbed her hand. "You've got to get better for me Adeline, you got to keep fighting as hard as u can bc I know u will make it through this."


short I know but it will get better and the chapters will get longer I promise!
thanks 🌸

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