chapter 9

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"MOM!" I screamed.

She rushed over panicking. "What is everything ok? Do I need to get a doctor?"

"No I'm fine! I know what I want to do with my wish," I said.

"Oh my gosh Adeline you scared me. Well what is it?" She asked tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

I crossed my fingers under the sheets. Here goes nothing, "I want Magcon to come and meet me at the hospital,"

"Oh honey we've already discussed this, you can't go to Magcon," she said with an annoyed tone in her voice.

"I know, I want them to come to the hospital," I said looking at her.

She stared at me for a few seconds and then started to smile. "Ok sweetie I'll see what I can do," she smiled squeezing my hand. She walked over to her laptop and then started to make phone calls.

a few hours later

i was eating dinner when my main doctor walked back in with Wilona following him.

"Adeline, we got a call from Make a Wish...." he stopped.

Oh no. The genies probably said no bc they can send kids to Disney world but not Magcon to a hospital.

"They said that they would get in contact with Magcon tomorrow and get back to us," he smiled and so did Wilona.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. My mom came over to me smiling really wide. She grabbed my handing squeezing it. I looked up at her and smiled.

This crazy idea of mine might just work.


The next day when I woke up I immediately thought ab yesterday. Oh my gosh. The genies are calling Magcon today and said that they would get back to us. Oh my gosh!!??! What if they get back to us today?!??

I got up and undid my cords and hooked myself up to a oxygen tank. (I wasn't on a IV that often anymore and I learned how to hook myself up to a oxygen tank)

I walked over to my mom and leaned I ever her shoulder. "Hey mom," I said.

"Hi sweetheart," she said looking up and kissing my cheek.

"Heard anything from the genies?" I asked hopeful.

"Nope," she said making the p pop. "But I bet they'll call back soon," she said in a sing song voice.

I squealed a little bit. "Do I have to wear a hospital gown when they come or can u run back home and grab me something cute?"

"Umm... I don't want to leave you here alone," she said still scrolling through her laptop taking a sip of coffee.

I stepped out in front of her. "Mom, I'm not going to meet my husbands looking like this," I said with my hip out and my hands up.

She laughed. "Ok..." she said with another laugh.

All of a sudden Wilona rushed in panting.

"Magcon..." breathing "the genies..." breathing "there coming in 3 days..." still panting.

I jumped.

"WHAT?!?!!!!!????" I screamed.

Wilona nodded bending down holding her knees mumbling... "I'm out of breath,"

"OMG THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!" I screamed jumping up and down.

I couldn't believe it. 3 day? 3 DAYS??!

"Stop jumping Adeline!!!" Wilona said grabbing my shoulders and setting me down on the bed.

I laid down. Now I was the one panting. She undid my oxygen tank, "there coming? In 3 days?!" I asked.

"Yup I ran all the way down just to tell you," she laughed.

"I guess you need an outfit then don't you?" My mom asked smiling.

I nodded smiling so wide that my checks were starting to hurt.

"Ok I have to get back to work. Hold on just 3 more days!! Wilona said doing a fist bump into the air.

On the outside I was excited and cool but on the inside, I couldn't quit screaming.


I updated!!

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