Jealousy Cards

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First of all, I've made some changes, I'll explain.

When I made this book I was quite new to wattpad and kpop in general, I was younger too. I left this book for nearly a year to focus on another, if you haven't noticed my writing has improved/changed. I lost my planning for the story so I decided to make another up.

I have changed some things in the first few chapters for the story to make sense, and I have changes the story's title too.

Once Hoseok left the room I was welcomed by the familiar silence I learnt to like. There were quiet voices outside the door, they seemed to be arguing, I couldn't tell who they were. Feeling awkward, I got out of the bed and walked towards the door.

I open the door to see Jimin and Taehyung, they stop talking when they see me.

"Lucy!" Taehyung says too cheerfully as Jimin smiles a little at me. "How do you feel about having some fun?"

"Fun?" Jimin laughs. "Leave her alone, Taehyung. I told you, she doesn't want to go anywhere."

"It'll take her mind of things," Taehyung says as if I wasn't there. "Stop being such a killjoy."

"I will when you stop being so childish."

"I think out of all people I know what I'm doing." Taehyung turns to me.

"Don't play that card." Jimin sighs.

"Lucy, do you want to come with me and have lots of fun?" Taehyung folds his arms and looks at Jimin. "Or do you want to play puzzle games with Jimin all day?"

"I don't think I want to go anywhere just yet.."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." Taehyung gives me a reassuring smile. "Trust me, it's better than staying here and over-thinking."

"She said she doesn't-"

"Trust me." Taehyung stares into my eyes. "I know what you're going through, I've been through it before."

"You have?" I blurt out.

"Yes," Taehyung replied softly. "It was quite a while ago, but I still remember everything clearly, unfortunately."

"She's not like you-"

"How about we do something in between?" I ask both of them. "How about I go out with Taehyung, but to go do something calm and not exhilarating?"

"If that's what you want.." Jimin's shoulders fall. "If you're sure?"

"I'm sure," I nod. "If Taehyung has been through the same thing I have, then he should know what to do."

"I should..try to find out where Jungkook is." Jimin nods to himself and walks away.

"Lets go!" Taehyung suddenly shouts and grabs my hand. "Time for you to be happy again!"

I laugh as we run down the corridor and down the stairs, we pass Namjoon holding a broken toaster (he tries to hide it when he sees us) and run out of the door.

"Before you say anything, yes, that was Namjoon holding a broken toaster." Taehyung slows to a walk. "I'm surprised Yoongi let him drive, Yoongi is always the one fixing what Namjoon breaks."

"Is he really that clumsy?" I ask, shocked that the person I thought would be the most stern is just a clumsy baby. "I thought he was the leader, and yet Jin and Yoongi seem to be more like leaders."

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