Fifty Shades of Grey

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"Hey!" Someone shouts.

Jimin scowls and climbs off me.

"I thought we agreed that you would deal with the boy and I would sort out Lucy?" He shouts again.

I gulp.

That voice belongs to Seokjin, known as Jin.

He is the oldest and richest of BTS. Rumours say that his family are illegal gamblers. There is also a rumour that he once drugged a girl and locked her up in his sex chamber. Girls have been reading too much Fifty Shades of Grey.

Even though I know the rumours are probably not true I'm still scared of him, though he seems kind enough with BTS.

Jimin pulls me up and harshly pushes me to Jin, still scowling.

I don't even want to think what would have happened if Jin hadn't come along.

"I'm going to kill you, you know that right?" Jimin growls pulling BamBam by the collar.

"Leave him alone!" I shout.

Firm hands grab my waist and I get hoisted onto someone's shoulders.

"I-I am wearing a skirt you know!" I hit Jins chest.

He doesn't seem to care.

I can hear Jimin cat calling.

At least Taehyung isn't here.

Jin walks up the stairs with me still on his shoulders ignoring my protests. Students walk past ignoring us but keeping their distance. I guess this isn't the first time I've been on Jin's shoulders.

I sigh as Jin reaches another floor. Does he ever get tired? I look at his arm. I can see his muscles bulging out of his shirt. I blush. What the hell am I doing?

Jin grunts as he pushes a door open. Light floods in. Are we on the roof? Why the hell are we on the roof? Can anyone even hear my screams from here?

I shudder.

I don't think I'm going to leave this school in one piece.

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