Dark Pasts Turn Into Fearful Futures

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"Yes but we need him to stay over night, just in case." The Doctor says with a kind smile.

"Oh, thank you." I bow.

"You can go see him now, there is a chair beside the bed."

I open the door to expect a bloody and bruised boy with tubes and wires scrambled around him but instead I see a boy with a few bruises and cuts sleeping soundly.

I sit on the chair beside the bed and sigh.

At least he's not dead.

I push his hair away from his eyes and look at his peaceful form.

Does he have family that I should call? I guess if he did I wouldn't be able to call them anyway. The Bangtan Boys probably took his phone so I wouldn't be able to go in his contacts.

I will just have to wait until he wakes up. I could be here all night..

Luckily my Mother started her night shifts tonight so she won't be home until 9am. I feel guilty not telling her though. She would freak out if she went home to find me not there.

My mind wanders to the Bangtan Boys. I'm surprised they didn't hurt him that much. I thought he'd be in a coma or something. That's the thing with the Bangtan Boys. Everyone knows all of them have a dark past, we just don't know what that dark past is. Only the Bangtan Boys know each others past. Apparently they all have gone through a lot. Which makes them ruthless.

I've always wanted to know their pasts. They can't be that bad, right? I mean, not as bad as mine? I have had a pretty bad childhood but you don't see me bullying others.

I'm too curious for my own good.

I rest my head on the bed.

I should get some sleep if I want to go to school not looking like a zombie.

"This is for your own good."

"Mum, please, help me."

"You're stronger than me, I'm sorry, but you can take it."


"Ughh." I moan shielding my eyes from the bright light.

Where am I?

I lower my arms to see a boy looking at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, uh, you're awake and uh alive." I awkwardly laugh and sit up on my chair.

"Yes." He says slowly still looking at me with those wide eyes.

"Hey! Why are you looking at me like you've never seen a human before?" I snap my fingers in his face.

"Oh, I didn't mean to it just that, I didn't think you'd actually save me." He says smiling slightly. "Thank you so much! I will repay your kindness!"

I smile and he smiles shyly back.

"So, are you okay to go home now?" I ask looking at the clock.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

We stand outside his house.

It's a little bigger than my house but not by much. It looks very modern though, whilst mine looks like it was made centuries ago.

"Thank you again, you should go now before my parents bombard you with questions." He smiles and bows.

"It's okay and sure." I smile and walk off waving.

"Hey!" He shouts.

"Huh?" I say turning around.

"You've got yourself a friend!" He shouts before running into the house.

I smile to myself.

I have a friend?

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